You can submit 3D objects directly to the library to create with one of our 3D printers! Please see our 3D Printing Resource Guide for more information on getting started. Requests will be printed by library staff in the order in which they are received.
If not specified, the file will be printed with the size “as is” and other information will be determined by qualified TCCL staff.
*Please provide the information below if the file you will be sending needs adjustments.
Policy I. The 3D printer may only be used for lawful purposes. Unlawful purposes may include the following:
II. The Tulsa City-County Library and staff reserve the right to refuse any 3D print request. III. A charge of $0.10 per gram will be incurred to cover the cost of materials.
IV. The library allows one print request in the queue at a time, please wait to submit your next request until the first has been printed.
V. Prints taking longer than 10 hours may be shifted downward in the queue to accommodate quicker print requests. VI.3D items that are not picked up within one week after completion shall become property of the Tulsa City-County Library. Only the requesting party or parent/guardian of the requesting party may pick up the item created. VII.3D printing policies are subject to change without notice. Please check after you have read the policy and understand.