Government FAQs

Where can I get information about government auctions?

How can I determine the status of a bill or proposed legislation?

Are breaks and lunch periods mandatory?

According to the Oklahoma Department of Labor FAQs: Neither federal nor state law require employers to provide breaks to employees age 16 or older. Mandatory break laws only apply to children under the age of 16. Breaks and lunch periods are considered benefits and remain at the discretion of the employer.

Where can I obtain information on Oklahoma business filings?

Oklahoma Secretary of State Business Filing Department provides basic search services for free additional information can be obtained for a small fee.

What are the Child Labor Laws for the state of Oklahoma?

  • Understanding Oklahoma Child Labor Laws

    The Child Labor Unit of the Oklahoma Department of Labor is responsible for educational outreach and enforcement efforts when it comes to the Oklahoma Child Labor Law.

Can I work if I'm under 16?
No child under the age of sixteen (16) shall be permitted to work in any occupation or in any establishment other than those occupations permitted by the "Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938", as amended 29 U.S.C., Sections 201 through 219, and any regulations related thereto.

However... A parent can request a Student Work Permit for a youth under 16.
Parents of student-employees are responsible for insuring that their child has a Certificate of Age and Schooling (work permit) which is usually obtained from the student-employee's school principal.

If a child is schooled at home, the permit is obtained from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, (405)521-3369.

For questions about working minors, please contact OK Dept. of Labor Child Labor Unit: 1(888)269-5353 or (405)521-6591.

How can I calculate the amount of child support I'll pay or receive?

Please note that many factors are taken in to account when calculating child support. The following information should be used for guideline purposes only.

Oklahoma Child Support Services has information on child support in the state of Oklahoma on their web site including a child support caluclator based on guidelines from the Oklahoma Statutes Title 43 Section 119. Additionally, the Oklahoma State Courts Network has information for computing the guidelines and a form for withholding income to pay child support.  From their home page, click on "forms" in the left frame and then "child support" in the right frame.  For more information on Tulsa County requirements and forms for divorces involving children go to the Families in Transition web site.

How do I cite government information sources in my research paper?

Is Common Law Marriage recognized in Oklahoma?

According to Title 43 Section 4 of the Oklahoma Statutes, "No person shall enter into or contract the marriage relation, nor shall any person perform or solemnize the ceremony of any marriage in this state without a license being first issued by the judge or clerk of the district court, of some county in this state, authorizing the marriage between the persons named in such license."

However, the Cornell University Legal Information Institute includes the following caveat: "No common-law marriage can be entered into, but these states recognize common law marriages that were entered into before these dates: Oklahoma - entered into prior to November 1, 1998 are recognized, current situation unclear."

Common law marriage is recognized in twelve jurisdictions: Alabama; Colorado; Iowa; Kansas; Montana; Oklahoma; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; Texas; Utah; and the District of Columbia.

The following three jurisdictions recognize common law marriage if it was entered into prior its abolishment. Georgia: If it was entered into before 1/1/97; Idaho: If it was entered into before 1/1/96; and Ohio if it was entered into before 10/10/91.

What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI) & current rate of inflation?

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.

The CPI is the most widely used measure of inflation and is sometimes viewed as an indicator of the effectiveness of government economic policy. It provides information about price changes in the nation's economy to government, business, labor, and other private citizens, and is used by them as a guide to making economic decisions. In addition, the President, Congress, and the Federal Reserve Board use trends in the CPI to aid in formulating fiscal and monetary policies. (from:

What are my rights as a consumer?

What are the e-mail/mail/telephone solicitation list removal addresses?


    Register your telephone number online or by telephone (1.888.382.1222) to stop telephone solicitation.

To opt-out of pre-screened credit card offers, call 1.888.567.8688. This is a free service to consumers offered by the major credit bureaus.

Follow the links below to opt out of telephone, mail and email solicitation.

How can I get an Oklahoma Driver's License or state issued Identification card?

The Oklahoma Department of Public Safety provides information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions regarding Driver's Licenses and State Issued IDs and access to the Oklahoma Driver's Manuals.

Here are lists of Oklahoma Driver's License testing sites and Oklahoma Tag Agencies.

Do I need a REAL ID?
You are not required to get an Oklahoma REAL ID compliant license or identification card; however, if you plan to fly domestically or access federal facilities or military bases after  May 3, 2023, you must have a REAL ID compliant license or identification card or another acceptable form of identification such as a passport or passport card. If you already have your passport, we suggest waiting to get your REAL ID compliant license when your current license expires.

Where can I get copies of Oklahoma Driver Manuals?

What are the duties of elected officials?

What are the laws in Oklahoma concerning the emancipation of a minor?

These occupational employment and wage estimates are calculated with data collected from employers in all industry sectors.

Where can I get information on Food Handler training and permits?

Food Handler training and manager certification is handled by the Tulsa City-County Health Department.

Where can I find information on "free money" from the government?

"Free Money" is a misnomer. The government (state & federal) provides a variety of services and benefits programs to the public. For business owners the Federal government offers low-interest loans. Below are links to explore which federal and state benefits might be available to individuals. A link to the SBA is included for small business owners. For nonprofits needing grant information, explore our Nonprofit Resource Center.

Oklahoma Landlord/Tenant Act

Is there a Lemon Law in Oklahoma?

What is a lemon? as defined by the Oklahoma Attorney General
A new vehicle may be a lemon if there is a defect covered by the warranty which substantially impairs the use and value. However, the defect cannot be the result of abuse, neglect or unauthorized modifications or alterations.

Title 15, Chapter 22, Section 901 defines the rights of the consumer and roles of the dealers and manufacturers on the sale of a motor vehicle.

Information from the Oklahoma Attorney General:

Also have a look at the FTC's Facts for Consumers: Buying a Used Car.

How can I change my name?

  •  Petition for Adult Name Change

    This form is intended for informational purposes only. This form can be accessed from the Legal Forms Database ( The Tulsa City-County Library accepts no responsibility for individual use of this form.


Title 12, Chapter 33, Sections 1631-1637 of the Oklahoma Statutes outline the necessary steps to petition for a legal name change. 

If the name change is due to a marriage, it is not necessary to formally request a name change. The marriage license is acceptable as official proof of a name change. The license can be presented to the Social Security Office and the Oklahoma Tax Commission to change your name on your social security card and driver's license.

Search for Tulsa County Name Changes through the Tulsa County Clerk's Public Records Search.

My neighbor's tree is causing problems in my yard. What can I do about it?

Using state nuisance definitions several cases have been brought before Oklahoma courts to determine responsibility for damages caused by tree roots. Two cases worth looking at are Mead v. Vincent 1947 OK 295 and Higdon v. Henderson 1956 OK 296.

City of Tulsa Ordinance Title 27 Chapter 21 Section 2104 deals with destruction of trees or vegetation that is the property of another.

Where can I find laws defining nuisances?

The Oklahoma Statutes define nuisance in Title 50 Section 1 and Title 76 Section 1.

Title 24 of the City of Tulsa Ordinances defines nuisances in the city limits. For communities other than Tulsa, check the city's website or for online availability of ordinances.

Can I park my car in the yard?

Tulsa City Ordinances Title 37 Chapter 5 Section 522.R states that vehicles must be parked on a hard surface area constructed of an all-weather material.

For communities other than the City of Tulsa, check for local ordinances and zoning codes.

How do I obtain a copy of a report filed by the Tulsa Police Department?

Request Tulsa Police records online at


To request records by mail fill out this form and mail it to:

Records Custodian
Tulsa Police Records
P.O. Box 1027
Tulsa, OK 74103



What are the Tulsa city, county and state sales tax rates?

City of Tulsa 3.65%
Tulsa County .367% 
Oklahoma State 4.50% 
Combined total 8.517%

City sales tax rates for other communities in Tulsa County are as follows:

How can I determine which school district I live in?

Can I build a shed or fence in my yard if I live within the City of Tulsa?

For information on obstructions in private yards see Tulsa City Ordinances Title 42 Chapter 45 Section 010. For communities other than Tulsa, check the city's website or for online availability of ordinances.

Access the City of Tulsa Residential Permit Guide here.

What are the laws governing Squatter's Rights (Adverse Possession) in Oklahoma?

Adverse possession laws can be found in the Oklahoma Statutes Title 12 Section 93 and Title 60 Section 333. To get a full understanding of these laws you will need to look at the case laws listed at the end of the sections. An important case in deciding the 15 year period of adverse possession before granting a title by prescription is Wilp v. Magnus, 204 Okla. 448, 230 P.2d 733 (1951).

Statutes of Limitations for the State of Oklahoma

The following are excerpts from the Oklahoma State Statutes and are intended for informational purposes only.

Civil Action Statutes of Limitations
Oklahoma Statutes Title 12 Civil Actions Chapter 3 Limitations of Actions

From section 92: "Civil actions can only be commenced within the periods prescribed in this article, after the cause of action shall have accrued; but where, in special cases, a different limitation is prescribed by statute, the action shall be governed by such limitation."

Sections 93-95 offer specific terms of limitation for a variety of civil and real property actions.

Criminal Action Statutes of Limitations
Title 22, Chapter 3, Section 151 No Limitation on Prosecution for Murder 
Title 22, Chapter 3, Section 152 Limitations in General

For additional information on statutes of limitations for criminal matters refer to Oklahoma Statutes Title 22 Criminal Procedure.

Where can I obtain traffic collision reports?

The records management division of the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety is responsible for all reports submitted by Oklahoma law enforcement agencies. Copies of these reports can be requested by mailing the request to:

Oklahoma Department of Public Safety
Attn: Records Management Division 
P.O. Box 11415 
Oklahoma City, OK 73136 
Phone: (405) 425-2059

These reports cost $18.00 for a certified copy. Uncertified copies are $15.00 per report. The request should include driver's name, date of collision, and location of collision. One should also indicate if this was a fatality collision.

How can I locate unclaimed property?

Where can I get information on vital statistics (data)?


For data related to birth and death, access information from the links below.

  • CDC Home National Vital Statistics System

    The National Vital Statistics System is the oldest and most successful example of inter-governmental data sharing in Public Health and the shared relationships, standards, and procedures form the mechanism by which NCHS collects and disseminates the Nation's official vital statistics.


    Data & statistics from the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

Where can I find tips, regulations, health advisories, and warnings for traveling outside the United States?

As a first step in planning any trip abroad, check the U.S. State Department's travel advisories for your intended destination.

What is an Advance Directive for Health Care and where can I obtain the form?

The Advance Directive for Health Care can be used to ensure your wishes are followed if you later become incapacitated and incapable of making an informed decision regarding your health care.

The form can be accessed via

Where can I obtain a copy of a birth or death certificate?

Birth & Death Certificate information from the Oklahoma State Department of Health

Information about obtaining birth & death certificates issued in Oklahoma

A Birth or Death Certificate originally issued in the State of Oklahoma can be requested in person at the Vital Records Office, James O. Goodwin Health Center, 5051 S. 129th E. Ave., Tulsa OK 74134. Office Hours: 8:30am to 4pm; Phone: (918)594-4840. Hours phones are answered: 8am - 5pm.

Or from the Oklahoma City office: Vital Records Section, State Department of Health, 1000 Northeast 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117. Each of the records cost $15 a piece. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (405)271-4040.

7/6/2021: 'Will Call' System For Vital Records Introduced In Oklahoma:
"The Oklahoma State Department of Health has announced that three vital records lobbies across the state will now offer a will call service, which gives people the option to pick up online orders of birth and death certificates in person instead of having them mailed. They say the typical mail in turnaround time for a vital record is about ten weeks, but they wanted to change that to give people a more convenient and efficient pickup option."

Are breaks and lunch periods mandatory?

According to the Oklahoma Department of Labor FAQs: Neither federal nor state law require employers to provide breaks to employees age 16 or older. Mandatory break laws only apply to children under the age of 16. Breaks and lunch periods are considered benefits and remain at the discretion of the employer.

Where can I access Congressionally Mandated Reports?

Federal agencies must now electronically submit congressionally mandated reports after first submitting to Congress or any required committee or subcommittee of Congress through existing processes. The reports are published and made available to the public on GovInfo.

Following submission by hard copy to either House of Congress or to any congressional committee or subcommittee, Federal agencies are required, no earlier than 30 days but no later than 60 days, to submit their congressionally mandated reports to GPO for publication in GovInfo, with limited exceptions.