3124 East Apache
Tulsa, OK 74110
United States
Date Established
Registered Status
Oklahoma Not-for-Profit Organization
Hours of Operation
Outpatient - Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Emergency Shelter and Info/Crisis Line 24/7
Advancing physical and emotional safety by reducing the impact and occurrence of sexual and domestic violence, human trafficking and stalking through inclusive intervention and prevention services for children, youth and adults.
Programs and Services
Services include safe housing; counseling for children youth and adults; legal advocacy and representation; court advocacy; law enforcement advocacy; education and outreach; hospital advocacy; childcare; batterers intervention.
Outpatient counseling for survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault and human trafficking, batterer's intervention services, emergency shelter, transitional housing, court and legal advocacy, 24/7 information and crisis line.