Chandelier in Central Library stairwell
Market Research Databases

Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier 
Business Source Premier features Datamonitor company reports that include a company overview, key facts, business description, history, key employees with biographies, major products and services, top competitors, locations and subsidiaries.ucts and services, top competitors, locations and subsidiaries.

D & B Business Browser

D & B Business Browser (Global)
D&B Business Browser presents consolidated company profiles on more than 90 Million companies world-wide. Business Browser provides you with a deeper understanding of a company’s business focus, history, competition, strengths, weaknesses, executives and news coverage. Plus, detailed financial reports give you the power to compare multiple companies so you can more effectively evaluate companies in relation to each other and compare to industry norms.

Mergent Intellect 

Mergent Intellect
Mergent Intellect is a highly flexible web-based application that features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables companies to generate insightful business intelligence. Coupling Mergent's expertise in developing products for the reference marketplace with D&B®'s private company database, Mergent Intellect offers new and existing clients a unique opportunity to access private and public U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more.

Data Axle Reference Solutions (Formerly: Reference USA)

Data Axle Reference Solutions
Data Axle Reference Solutions (Formerly: Reference USA) provides addresses, sales information, executives, for over 11 million U.S. companies. Searchable by state, city, zip code, and SIC codes and yellow page headings. Searches can be customized by company size, sales volume, geographic location, industry, etc.



SimplyAnalytics is a mapping, analytics, and data visualization application with 100,000+ data variables, including: demographics from the Decennial Census and the American Community Survey (ACS), consumer spending data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, and D&B's Premium business directory providing access to over 25 million detailed US business profiles. MRI-Simmons LOCAL consumer behavior dataset is available, which provides data on over 8,000 brands, 450 categories, and psychographics. The Claritas PRIZM Premier marketing segmentation system enables users to understand lifestyle characteristics of households. 

Answering questions using premium demographic, business, health, and marketing data has never been easier. 

Note: Users will be able to log in as a Guest or create an account to save their work. SimplyAnalytics is designed for use on a laptop or desktop device. 

Company Directories 

These directories are available in the Research Center at Central Library. Search company listings online with ThomasNet.

Oklahoma Directory of Manufacturers and Processors
 Latest Available: 2017 (Sep. 2017-Aug. 2018)

Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies 
Latest Available: 2017

Additional Resources

Government Data & Statistics

Market Analysis

Consumer market data is the key component to a market analysis.  A market analysis is a regional and neighborhood study of economic, demographic and other factors made to determine supply and demand, market trends, and to evaluate actual or potential sales of a product or service.