Take Five book presentation features  25 must-read books

   Readers will enjoy discovering new authors and books during “Take Five: Read to Build a Better World” in Central Library’s Pocahontas Greadington Learning and Creativity Center, 400 Civic Center, July 25, 6:30-8 p.m. 

   Five avid readers will talk about five books that lead them to think more deeply, engage more fully and empathize more freely. Each of the titles will have a connection to the theme, “Build a Better World,” the title of TCCL’s adult summer reading program. Readers still have time to sign up for the reading program, guides.tulsalibrary.org/ASRP, to earn coupons for free treats and entertainment.

   Scheduled presents include:

·         Ellen Noel, TCCL customer service assistant

·         Ellen Cummings, Zarrow Regional Library manager

·         Sherrie Wallace, Suburban Acres Library manager

·         Jessica Sanchez, Central Library teen library associate

·         Brian Cowlishaw, associate professor of English, Northeastern State University

   The purpose of the Take Five program is to introduce local readers to a wide variety of books that may pique their interest. Books will include everything from the popular to the offbeat to the scholarly and will include both fiction and nonfiction.

   The program includes bookish activities, door prizes and snacks to round out the fun evening.

   For more information on Take Five or other library programs, call the AskUs Hotline, 918-549-7323 or visit the library’s Web site, www.tulsalibrary.org.

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