Tulsa City-County Library features family event:  “From Russia to the Stars”

   The Tulsa City-County Library is taking learning up a notch, all the way to outer space. Families are invited to celebrate Cosmonautics Day and Children’s Day/Book Day    

during “From Russia to the Stars,” April 15, 2-4 p.m. at Central Library, Fifth Street and Denver Avenue.

   Experience Russian culture and learn about space exploration through stories and activities.  Children of all ages will enjoy a “Storytime From Space in the Children’s Garden,” hands-on space activities with Tulsa Children’s Museum, star-gazing through daytime telescopes and Russian puppet shows from Tulsa’s Sister Cities partnership with Zelenograd, Russia.  Book displays will highlight Tulsa City-County Library’s collection of resources on Russia and the country’s history.

   The program is an opportunity to introduce the Russian speaking community, and all library customers, to Tulsa City-County Library’s collections and its diverse services.

    A specific service of interest to families is Mango Languages.  This free service allows library card holders the chance to learn a new language, like Russian.  Attendees can explore Mango Languages and see how parents and children can learn a new language together. 

   During April, Tulsa City-County Library celebrates El Dia de los Ninos/El Dia de los Libros (Children’s Day/Book Day) with a series of family programs encouraging cultural and literacy awareness.  The goal of the series is to emphasize the importance of literacy for all children and expose families to diverse books, languages and cultures.

   The “From Russia to the Stars” event is sponsored by Tulsa Library Trust and Tulsa Global Alliance.

   For more information on Tulsa City-County Library programming, call the AskUs Hotline, 918-549-7323, or visit the library’s Web site, www.tulsalibrary.org.

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