Owasso Library Features Teddy Bear Clinic

In an effort to encourage healthy habits and alleviate a child’s fear of doctor visits, the Owasso Library, 103 W. Broadway, presents “Teddy Bear Clinic,” Jan. 27, 10:30-11 a.m.  This free family event is hosted by MedExpress.

   Children, ages 3-5, can bring their teddy bear, or other stuffed animal friend, to learn about hand washing, X-rays, splinters and more.

   “The library is a resource for families to find helpful information,” said Shelly Wimberley, Owasso Library youth librarian.  “By providing the Teddy Bear Clinic, children will see firsthand the benefit of regular checkups while helping ease their fear of a trip to the doctor.”

   The Owasso Library has many helpful resources on a variety of health topics for families.  Those attending the Teddy Bear Clinic are encouraged to check out the resources and continue to discover the importance of regular health checks.

   For more information on Tulsa City-County Library programming, call the AskUs Hotline, 918-549-7323, or visit the library’s website, www.tulsalibrary.org.

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