The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), a federal department, announced Tuesday, Feb. 24 that Tulsa City-County Library is among 30 finalists for the 2015 National Medal for Museum and Library Service.
The National Medal is the nation’s highest honor given to museums and libraries for service to the community. For 21 years, the award has celebrated institutions that demonstrate extraordinary and innovative approaches to public service to make a difference for individuals, families and communities. IMLS is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums.
“Museums and libraries are the lifeblood of our communities, serving as trusted providers of critical resources, educational training, skills development, and civic and cultural enrichment,” said Maura Marx, IMLS acting director. “We salute Tulsa City-County Library for exemplary leadership in promoting lifelong learning while engaging and inspiring the public.”
More than 150 institutions were nominated for the 2015 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The 30 finalists were selected because of their significant and exceptional contributions to their communities. This year’s finalists include individual public libraries, special and research libraries, a zoo, science museums, botanical gardens, and many other types of institutions exemplifying the great diversity of libraries and museums across the country.
“The Tulsa City-County Library Commission, Tulsa Library Trust Board and Library Leadership Team are so proud of the library staff and our volunteers for all that they have achieved in the last four years in changing the lives of Tulsa County residents for the better through their service. For the library system to be recognized as a 2015 National Medal finalist is a great honor,” said Gary Shaffer, Tulsa City-County Library CEO.
IMLS is encouraging local community members who have visited the Tulsa City-County Library to share their stories about how TCCL has made a difference in their lives by posting on IMLS’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/USIMLS. Each day, starting Feb. 25, IMLS will spotlight a different National Medal finalist on the IMLS Facebook page. TCCL will be featured on April 2.
Of the 30 finalists, 10 National Medal winners will be named later this spring, and representatives from the winning institutions will travel to Washington, D.C., to be honored at the National Medal award ceremony. Winning institutions also will receive a visit from StoryCorps, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to recording, preserving and sharing the stories of Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs.
Visit www.facebook.com/USIMLS to learn more about how these institutions make an impact and to participate in Share Your Story. To see the full list of finalists and learn more about the National Medal, visit www.imls.gov/medals.