Young readers earn end-of-summer celebration  for reaching reading goal

   In an effort to increase Tulsa City-County Library’s 2017 summer reading program participation at Rudisill Regional and Suburban Acres libraries, Tulsa’s District 1 Councilor Vanessa Hall-Harper issued a challenge to the young readers in her district, “Increase participation by at least 5 percent and earn an end-of-summer cookout.”

   Young readers in her district eagerly accepted the challenge and surpassed the goal. For this accomplishment, Hall-Harper will host a “Summer Reading Program Challenge Party,” Saturday, Sept. 9, 1 p.m. at Suburban Acres Library, 4606 N. Garrison.

   The party is for readers who participated in the children’s summer reading program at Suburban Acres and Rudisill Regional libraries. Children who completed the program can proudly wear their medals, enjoy a cookout and play fun games. And, for dessert, one lucky student will be chosen to throw a pie in the face of Council woman Hall-Harper.

   The annual program is a fun way to keep students reading throughout the summer to help retain and improve their reading skills.

   For more information on the “Summer Reading Program Challenge Party,” call the AskUs Hotline, 918-549-7323, or visit the library’s website,

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