Find out more about what Tulsa Library offers in Teen Services! From anime and manga clubs to homework help, check out everything we offer below.
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Your Next Great Read for Teens
Your Next Great Read for Teens is a service free to all TCCL cardholders. If you are looking for book recommendations, take a few minutes to fill out a survey about your reading preferences and recent favorite books, television shows, and movies, and we'll send you a personalized reading guide! If you've already filled out a survey previously and would like more recommendations, fill out a follow-up survey.
Young People's Creative Writing Contest
Each year in late winter, the library hosts a creative writing contest for Tulsa County students ages 10-18. Find all rules and FAQs here!
Teen Team
Teen Team volunteers assist librarians with Tulsa City-County Library activities during the annual library Summer Reading Program and get hands-on job experience. In late spring each year, interested teens can fill out an application and return it to the library location where they are interested in volunteering. Find all guidelines and FAQs here!
Summer Reading Program
Each summer, TCCL hosts the Summer Reading Program for all ages. Participants who are entering sixth through 12th grades may register for the Tween/Teen Summer Reading Program, read/listen to six books (eBooks, audiobooks and comics count!) and turn in their completed reading log to earn a completion prize and booklet of coupons for local food and recreation. Participants who complete the program may also enter a drawing for grand prizes like electronics, gift cards, and more! Click here for more information about TCCL's Summer Reading Program.
Teens Read Month
Every October, TCCL celebrates Teens Read Month, originally from the Young Adult Library Services Association's initiative Teen Read Week, which is all about reading for pleasure. Locations plan lots of programs and events for teens - check out the event guide to see what's coming your way! Past events have included author visits, anime mini-con events, zombie proms, and more.
Teens Make Month
Each March, TCCL celebrates Teens Make Month, which is all about connecting teens to creativity and technology through their library. Locations plan lots of programs and events for teens - check out the event guide to see what's coming your way! Past events have included video game tournaments, coding lessons, robotics programs, LED light-up hoodies, and more.
Spooky Story Contest
Each year in October, the Schusterman-Benson Library hosts a creative writing contest for Tulsa County students ages 8-18. Find all rules and FAQs here!
Anime/Manga/Graphic Novel Clubs
Some locations host anime, manga, and graphic novel clubs. The best place to find these events is the event guide - you can search for "manga" or "anime" or "graphic novel" (tip: make sure to set the date range to the whole month!)
Locations hosting manga/anime clubs currently:
- Bixby Library, second Tuesday at 6 p.m.
- Broken Arrow Library, third Saturday at 12 p.m.
- Nathan Hale Library, second Saturday at 3:45 p.m.
- Martin Regional Library, first and third Thursdays at 4:30 p.m.
- Pratt Library, third Thursday at 4:30 p.m.
Craft & Gaming Groups
Some locations host craft programs, gaming groups, or have regular game nights - both digital and tabletop. The best place to find these events is the event guide.
Locations hosting craft/gaming groups currently:
- Brookside Library, every Tuesday 4-5:30 p.m.: D&D After School
- Brookside Library, every first and third Thursday 4-5 p.m.: Teen Games
- Brookside Library, every fourth Saturday 3-4 p.m.: Brookside Maker Club.
- Pratt Library, first Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.: Crochet & Craft Club
- Schusterman-Benson Library, first Thursdays from 5-7 p.m.: Teen Night
Writing Groups
Some locations host creative writing events and classes. The best place to find these events is the event guide.
Teen Advisory Boards
Sometimes, locations host teen advisory boards or groups, where teens can earn volunteer hours by helping librarians plan programs and activities. Check the event guide or ask your local library!
- Nathan Hale Library, 3rd Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30