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Resources for Veterans

A collection of library and community resources for veterans and their families.

Veteran Organizations / Resources

Make The Connection

Make The Connection

Make the Connection is a public awareness campaign that connects Veterans with other Veterans in privacy through personal testimonials. Talking to non-veterans about your experiences and feelings is not easy; here, Veterans can listen real stories about strength and recovery. This site also offers information and resources for Veterans and their families, where they can privately explore all that it means “to have served.” Talking with other Veterans is the best way for learning the roadmap to success.


VetNow is an all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of veteran needs: whether it’s updating a resume for civilian life, navigating the VA system, or seeking local resources and support for veterans and their families. VetNow services include expert coaching and self-study tools to empower users. Users may access live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches or Veteran Navigators. The full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests - including the SAT.

Veteran's Crisis Line

Veteran's Crisis Line

The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.

Oklahoma Department of Veteran's Affairs

Oklahoma Department of Veteran's Affairs

The state veterans program administered by the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs provides a complete service to the State's veterans including nursing and domiciliary care, financial assistance in emergencies, and field service counseling in the filing of claims for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and state benefits

Department of Veteran's Affairs Locations

Department of Veteran's Affairs Locations

Use this site to locate medical facility, benefits offices, state offices and support organizations.

City of Tulsa Veteran's Resource Center

City of Tulsa Veteran's Resource Center

The City of Tulsa's Veteran's Resource Center is a place for service members, veterans and family members to receive information about current programs and promotions in the City of Tulsa.

National Veterans Foundation (NVF)

National Veterans Foundation (NVF)

The NVF serves the crisis management, information and referral needs of all U.S. Veterans and their families; participates in public awareness programs that shine a consistent spotlight on the needs of America’s veterans; and offers outreach services that provide veterans and families in need with food, clothing, transportation, employment, and other essential resources.

National Resource Directory

National Resource Directory

Connecting wounded warriors, service members, veterans, their families and caregivers with those who support them.

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing

Project Healing Waters brings a high-quality, full-spectrum fly fishing program to an ever-expanding number of disabled active military service personnel across the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, in Military Hospitals and the Warrior Transition Command. There is a local program at Jack C. Montgomery VAMC.

Tulsa Coffee Bunker

Coffee Bunker is a unique expression of the Tulsa area community's support of veterans, active duty members, National Guard, Reservists and their families. They provide a full range of assistance for those who drop in, call, or contact them online. The environment of the Bunker is safe, relaxing, and friendly. It is a place for friendships, to learn about resources, and to be assisted by people who care.

Veterans Benefits

General Benefits Information

  • Veteran's Benefits Guide (online) 2023
    Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors is an annual publication outlining veteran benefits.
  • eBenefits.va.gov
    eBenefits is a portal; a central location for Veterans, Service Members, and their families to research, find, access, and, in time, manage their benefits and personal information.
  • General Benefits Information
    General benefits information from the Veterans Administration.
  • Military & Veterans at USA.gov
    Find resources and official information for active duty military personnel, including history, support for families, memorials and monuments, benefits, career assistance, education, and much more.

Housing & Homeownership

  • Foreclosure Avoidance

    The US Department of Veterans Affairs urges all veterans who are encountering problems making their mortgage payments to speak with their servicers as soon as possible to explore options to avoid foreclosure. This PDF document offers facts and helpful numbers for veterans who might be facing foreclosure.

  • Home Loans

    VA home loan guaranties are issued to help eligible service members, veterans, reservists and certain unmarried surviving spouses obtain homes, condominiums, residential cooperative housing units, and manufactured homes, and to refinance loans.

  • Homeless Veterans

    Provides information about homelessness prevention, housing support, health care for homeless vets, and support services for family members.

Education Benefits

  • Dependents' Education Assistance

    Dependents' Educational Assistance provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of certain veterans. The program offers up to 45 months of education benefits. These benefits may be used for degree and certificate programs, apprenticeship, and on-the-job training.

  • GI Bill

    Information about education benefits for active-duty soldiers, veterans and their dependents.

  • Resources for Student Veterans and Active-Duty Military

    GI Bill encouragement and assistance from the Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education.

  • College Guide for Servicemembers and Veterans

    The purpose of this guide is to identify specific programs, based on your contribution to the U.S. Armed Forces, that will further your education.

VetNow is an all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of veteran needs: whether it’s updating a resume for civilian life, navigating the VA system, or seeking local resources and support for veterans and their families. VetNow services include expert coaching and self-study tools to empower users. Users may access live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches or Veteran Navigators. The full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests - including the SAT.

Health Benefits & Information

  • Disabled American Vets

    DAV provides a variety of services to disabled vets and their families, including assistance with filing claims and providing transportation.

  • Health Care @ VA.gov

    Veterans Health Administration offers tools and information to help you reach your optimal health.

  • Health Care for Veterans

    Links to relevant health information for Veterans, survivors and dependents from USA.gov.

  • My HealtheVet

    When you use the tools My HealtheVet provides, you become an active partner with your caregivers in understanding and managing your personal healthcare. And the best part is, you can easily access your personal health information in your My HealtheVet account from any place you have an Internet connection.

  • Veterans and Military Health

    Topics and links of interest from MedlinePlus.

  • Veterans Resources at NAMI

    The National Alliance on Mental Illness is proud to provide mental health resources for everyone touched by military service.

Legal Assistance

  • National Veteran Legal Service Program

    The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) is an independent nonprofit organization that has worked since 1980 to ensure that the U.S. government keeps its pact with our nation's 25 million veterans and active duty personnel by providing them the federal benefits they have earned through their service to our country.

  • Oklahoma Lawyers for America's Heroes

    Lawyers from across Oklahoma provide legal advice and assistance to our servicemen and women and veterans. This is a service of the Oklahoma Bar Association.

  • Service Member Legal Defense Network

    SLDN provides free legal counseling to service members with legal issues stemming from discrimination based on one's perceived or actual sexual orientation or gender presentation, the regulations governing military service by HIV+ people, the regulations addressing military service by transgender persons, and offers assistance to veterans seeking to upgrade or correct their discharge paperwork.

Other Benefits

  • Burials & Memorials

    Veterans are eligible to receive a variety of burial and memorial benefits including burial in a military cemetery, burial flags, marks, and medallions among other benefits.

  • Life Insurance

    Our insurance programs were developed to provide insurance benefits for veterans and service members who may not be able to get insurance from private companies because of the extra risks involved in military service, or a service connected disability.

  • Survivor Benefits

    This web site is dedicated to the surviving spouses and dependents of military personnel who died while in active military service and to the survivors of veterans who died after active service.

Job & Entrepreneurial Resources

Entrepreneurs & Business Start-up

  • Oklahoma Small Business Development Center

    The Oklahoma SBDC is dedicated to providing business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs with the guidance they need to start, grow and succeed in the business world.

  • SBA for Veterans

    The Office of Veterans Business Development's mission is to maximize the availability, applicability and usability of all administration small business programs for veterans, service-disabled veterans, reserve component members, and their dependents or survivors.

  • VA Office for Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

    OSDBU seeks to enable service-disabled, veteran-owned small businesses, veteran-owned small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, HUBZone businesses, and woman-owned small businesses to add value to the work of VA.

  • Veteran Help from SCORE

    SCORE is committed to helping our veterans, service members and their families looking to start and grow small businesses with significant, long term success across the United States. SCORE provides advice, training programs, and long term mentors for the life of any small business, no matter the stage.

VetNow is an all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of veteran needs: whether it’s updating a resume for civilian life, navigating the VA system, or seeking local resources and support for veterans and their families. VetNow services include expert coaching and self-study tools to empower users. Users may access live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches or Veteran Navigators. The full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests - including the SAT.

Jobs & Vocational Training

  • Coffee Bunker Employers Alliance for Veterans
    The Coffee Bunker collaborates with Tulsa area employers in their efforts to recruit, prepare, support, retain, and develop the potential and talent of both new veterans and veterans who are current employees. The collaboration includes spouses and employment age children of veterans. Employers Alliance for Veterans members work collaboratively to ensure timely and meaningful employment for veterans and their spouses.
  • Hiring Our Heroes
    An initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that encourages businesses to hire veterans.
  • VETS from the Department of Labor
    VETS provides resources and expertise to assist and prepare veterans to obtain meaningful careers, maximize their employment opportunities and protect their employment rights.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Service
    This program assists veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for, find and keep suitable jobs. For veterans with service-connected disabilities so severe that they cannot immediately consider work, VetSuccess offers services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible.

VetNow is an all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of veteran needs: whether it’s updating a resume for civilian life, navigating the VA system, or seeking local resources and support for veterans and their families. VetNow services include expert coaching and self-study tools to empower users. Users may access live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches or Veteran Navigators. The full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests - including the SAT.

Education Benefits

Military Families & Caregivers

Troop Support

These are just a few of the organizations that assist civilians in providing support and encouragement to active-duty service members.

  • Adopt A Platoon

    Adopt A Platoon provides an opportunity for Americans to reach out to American Service Members by sending letters or care packages.

  • Blue Star Mothers

    The Blue Star Mothers are mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the military. They are a non-profit Veterans service organization supporting their military children while promoting patriotism.

  • Cell Phones for Soldiers

    Donate your unwanted cell phone to help a troop phone family and loved ones.

Caregiver Support

  • Military Family Leave Entitlements

    Information about available leave under FMLA for military caregivers.

  • Military Family Support

    Information and support for military families from the Department of Defense.

  • VA Caregiver Support

    The Caregiver Support website is designed to provide a wealth of information, tools and resources on family caregiving.

  • Veterans Crisis Line

    Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Military Statistics & Data

Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) 

The DCAS focuses primarily on detailed U.S. casualty data from the Korean War to the present, but maintains historical data dating back to the American Revolutionary War.

Oklahoma Historical Society

The Oklahoma War Memorial Collection covers World War I to the Korean War. The collection is based on the efforts to collect information after the approval of the Oklahoma War Memorial in 1955. The bulk of the collection is comprised of information sent to the OHS by family members of soldiers who served during World War II. The information about soldiers who served in World War I and Korea comes mainly from newspaper articles and the US War Department, so there is less detail on those individuals. This is not a complete list of military casualties.

Military Statistics & Data

Military Casualties

Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) 

The DCAS focuses primarily on detailed U.S. casualty data from the Korean War to the present, but maintains historical data dating back to the American Revolutionary War.

National Archives

Online collections of specific interest to veterans, their families and researchers, including historical casualty statistics up to the Civil War.

Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency's mission is to provide the fullest possible accounting for missing personnel from past conflicts. Within this mission, the agency searches for missing personnel from World War II (WWII), the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Gulf Wars, and other recent conflicts.

Oklahoma Historical Society

The Oklahoma War Memorial Collection covers World War I to the Korean War. The collection is based on the efforts to collect information after the approval of the Oklahoma War Memorial in 1955. The bulk of the collection is comprised of information sent to the OHS by family members of soldiers who served during World War II. The information about soldiers who served in World War I and Korea comes mainly from newspaper articles and the US War Department, so there is less detail on those individuals. This is not a complete list of military casualties.

Awards for Valor

Congressional Medal of Honor Society

The Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States.


Other Statistics

National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics

Veteran data and statistical portal consisting of statistical analyses and reports on a broad range of topics, estimates and projections of Veteran populations.