Play Title Sort descending Description Author Call Number Collection Page Number
"Anna Christie" O'Neill, Eugene 812.52 O58co 1988 v.1 Complete Plays, 1913-1920 957
"Chaos-Vile in Rome" translated by Laurence Senelick Chekhov, Anton 891.723 C417c 2006 The Complete Plays 281
"Git Along, Little Dogies!" McCullough, L.E. 812.54 M139pL 1997 Plays of the Wild West: Volume One: Grades K-3 43
"Have Floss, Will Travel": The Ever-So-True Saga of Hiram T. McRoot, Frontier Dentist McCullough, L. E. 812.54 M139pL2 1997 Plays of the Wild West, Vol. 2: Grades 4-6 85
"In the Good King Charles's Golden Days" Shaw, George Bernard 822 S53th 1961 V.2 The Theatre of Bernard Shaw vol.2 883
"Red Peppers" part of To-Night at 8:30 Coward, Noel 822.912 C83pfo 1983 Plays: Four 455
"Something Wild" from 27 Wagons Full of Cotton (1953) Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675pL 2000 Plays 1937-1955 845
"Wanted-Mr Stuart" Watkyn, Arthur 822.08 F95t 1943 Ten Selected One Act Plays 167
"You're Live with Big-Foot Wallace!" McCullough, L.E. 812.54 M139p 1996 Plays of America from American Folklore for Young Actors Grades 7-12 99
'Cruiter Matheus, John F. 810.8 D743 2001 Double-Take 246
'Tis a Pity She's a Whore Ford, John 822 F753L 1995 'Tis a Pity She's a Whore and Other Plays 165
'Tis Pity She's a Whore Ford, John 822.08 M18s 1953 Five Stuart Tragedies 407
...And the Boy Who Came to Leave Kalcheim, Lee H. 812.5408 B21 1966 v.2 Playwrights for Tomorrow, vol. 2 151
...but the clouds... Beckett, Samuel 842.914 B388e 1976 Ends and Odds 67
...but the clouds... Beckett, Samuel 822.912 B388c 1984 Collected Shorter Plays of Samuel Beckett 255
12-1-A Yamauchi, Wakako 812.54080920693 P699 1999 Playwrights of Color 231
13 Bells of Boglewood Bush, Max 812.54 B963p 1995 Plays for Young Audiences 131
140 based on Shakespeare's sonnet 140 Norman, Marsha 812 L947 1998 Lover's Fire 31
1776 Stone, Peter and Sherman Edwards 812.08 B461 Ser. 7 Best American Plays Seventh Series 199
1969 Landau, Tina 812.5408 H88 1994 Humana Festival 94 179
2 Linney, Romulus 812.54 L64s 1993 Six Plays Romulus Linney 147
21 Heath, Sigrid 812.04108 T13901 2003 Take Ten II: more ten-minute plays 367
21A Kling, Kevin 812.04108 T918 1995 20/20: Twenty One Act Plays from Twenty Years of the Humana Festival 167
27 Wagons Full of Cotton Williams, Tennessee 812.008 B46 1957 The Best Short Plays, 1957 381
27 Wagons Full of Cotton Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675tw 1966 27 Wagons Full of Cotton and Other Plays 3
27 Wagons Full of Cotton from 27 Wagons Full of Cotton (1946) Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675pL 2000 Plays 1937-1955 307
27 Wagons Full of Cotton Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675t 1990 v.6 The Theatre of Tennessee Williams, vol. 6 3
2B (or not 2B) Reingold, Jacquelyn 812.0523 L368 2007 Laugh Lines: Short Comic Plays 349
4-H Club Shepard, Sam 812.54 S54u 1972 The Unseen Hand and Other Plays 201
4-H Club Shepard, Sam 812.54 S54u 1996 The Unseen Hand and Other Plays 93
49 Geiogamah, Hanay 812.54 G276n 1980 New Native American Drama: Three Plays 83
A Bad Play for an Old Lady Johnson, Elizabeth 812.5408 B21 1966 v.1 Playwrights for Tomorrow, Vol 1 107
A Bald Soprano translated by Donald M. Allen Ionesco, Eugene 842.914 I64b 1982 The Bald Soprano and Other Plays 7
A Betrothal Wilson, Lanford 812.54 W69La 1993 21 Short Plays 219
A Bit O'Love Galsworthy, John 822 G13re 1924 Representative Plays 319
A Bitter Fate translated by Alice Kagan and George Rapall Noyes Pisemsky, Alexey Feofilaktovich 891.72 N87 1961 v. 1 Masterpieces of the Russian Drama, vol. 1 407
A Black Mass Baraka, Imamu Amiri 812.54 B231f 1998 Four Black Revolutionary Plays 33
A Black Woman Speaks Richards, Beah 812.54080896 N622 1986 9 Plays by Black Women 29
A Blue Angel translated by Vera Pech. Uhde, Milan 891.8625 C996 1985 Czechoslovakia: plays 127
A Bold Stroke for a Wife Centlivre, Susanna 822.00809287 M543 1994 The Meridian Anthology of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Plays by Women 187
A Bond Honored One Act Osborne, John 820.8 A627 no.66 Antaeus 369
A Bond Honored Osborne, John 808.8241 P699 1991 Plays in One Act 369
A Bouquet. Their Wills Stein, Gertrude 812.52 S819o 1987 Operas and Plays 195
A Bowl of Soup Lane, Eric 812.04108 T139 1997 Take Ten: New 10-Minute Plays 117
A Call on Kuprin Lawrence, Jerome and Robert E. Lee 812.54 L43s 1995 Selected Plays of Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee 303
A Cavalier for Milady Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675am 1976 The Traveling Companion and Other Plays 47
A Certain Nobleman Sayers, Dorothy L. 822 S27m 1943 Man Born To Be King 75
A Chaste Maid in Cheapside MIddleton, Thomas 822.308 D857 2005 The Duchess of Malfi 381
A Child's Christmas in Wales adapted by Jeremy Brooks and Adrian Mitchell Thomas, Dylan 808.829334 T917 2000 Twelve Plays of Christmas 445
A Christmas Carol adapted by Jennifer L. Kroll Dickens, Charles 812.54 B235c 2002 Classic Readers Theater for Young Adults 47