Tulsa-Area FAQs
This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Tulsa community.
What is the meaning of the name "Tulsa"?
The first historic Tulsa was a Creek Indian settlement on the Tallapoosa River in what is now Alabama. The name "Tulsa" (originally spelled Tulsey or Tulsee) is a shortened pronunciation of Tallasi, which is almost certainly a contraction of Tullahassee or Tallahassee, meaning "Old Town" ("Tulwa," meaning town, and "ahassee," meaning something old) in the Creek language. The name was apparently transferred from Alabama when the Creek Indians were forced to move here.
Adolphus DeLorraine Orcutt (1846-1913), an early Territory rancher and cattleman, and member of Oklahoma's first legislature, evidently suggested the name be used.
Source: Tulsa: From Creek Town to Oil Capital, 1943, pp.3-4.; American Places Dictionary, 1994, vol. 2, p. 556.; Tulsa World, December 21, 1969.; Tulsa World Action Line Column, November 29, 1966.
Where was Tulsa's first "official cemetery" located?
The first "official cemetery" in Tulsa's early days was centered on what is now the intersection of Second Street and Frisco Avenue - the eastern fifth of which is on the grounds of the new BOK Center. Initially, it was the Creek Indian Cemetery (1882), and it later became known as the Second Street Cemetery and then the Tulsa Cemetery. Burials ceased by 1905 and graves were moved to Oaklawn Cemetery (Tulsa) and Woodlawn Cemetery (Sand Springs) in 1920.
Source: Phil Mulkins, Action Line. Tulsa World, October 31, 2007; p.A5.
How did Glenpool get its name?
In 1905, on the property of Ida Glenn about 10 miles south of Tulsa, Robert Galbreath and Frank Chesley, who opened the oil field, had a true gusher.
Source: Tulsa, Biography of the American City, Danney Goble, 1997
When was the city of Tulsa founded?
The city of Tulsa's roots date back to 1836 when Archee Yahola, chief of the Creek Nation, picked a site underneath a large oak tree near the banks of the Arkansas River for councils and meetings. Two Creek words, Tallassee (Old Town) and Lochapokas (Place of Turtles), were used to name the settlement. In 1879, Tulsa existed on the pony mail route through Indian Territory.
Tulsa was incorporated as a city on January 18, 1898.
What is Black Wall Street?
Early in the twentieth century, an area of Tulsa called the Greenwood District became famous as an "entrepreneurial center." Due to legal segregation at the time, the Greenwood District was the area of Tulsa where blacks could conduct business. The Tulsa Race Riot caused millions of dollars in damage and this business center burned to the ground. But, by 1942, the area had been refurbished and was prosperous again.
Source: Black Wall Street, by Hannibal B. Johnson, 1998.
For more information, see the African American Resource Center's resources on Black Wall Street.
How did Tulsa's streets come to be arranged and named?
Tulsa Ordinances Title 11, Chapter 5
Outline the numbering and naming conventions for Tulsa streets.
Federal government surveyor J. Gus Patton came to Tulsa on August 11, 1901 to survey Tulsa as a part of its request for incorporation. The surveying was completed on December 11, 1901, and approved by the Department of Interior on March 28, 1902.
Tulsa's street system was arranged around the Frisco Railroad in the downtown area. Patton used the tracks as the north-south dividing line and Main Street as the east-west dividing line. Streets east of Main were named for cities east of the Mississippi River and progressed alphabetically outward. Streets west of Main were named after western cities. Patton originally planned to number streets running north and south, however, the streets north of Main were instead named after influential Tulsans and other distinguished Americans. Dan Patton, the younger brother, became city engineer in 1903 and laid out additions using the points of the compass. This explains why the downtown streets are off from the rest of the city streets, and why Tulsa has an intersection of 11th Street East and 11th Street East. After development in north Tulsa expanded to Zion, it was decided to number those streets as well, but the city did name Apache before beginning the system with 26th Street North.
Reasons behind some street names: (Jeff) Archer - owner of Tulsa's first hardware store; (Tate) Brady - prominent businessman; (Samuel) Latimer - real estate developer; Haskell - Charles N. Haskell, Oklahoma's first governor; Woodrow - for President Woodrow Wilson because Wilson had already been used to recognize Tulsa's first dentist. Maybelle - First name of wife of L.J. Martin (Mayor 1910-12); Waverly Drive - Because it wavered; No influential Tulsans had the initials P, V, U, X or Z, therefore, Pine, Virgin, Ute, Xyler and Zion were used; Jasper (Colley) - local businessman; Exceptions for the alphabetical system were made for Tulsan S. R. "Buck" Lewis; and, Harvard was so named because area alumni pressed for it, and Yale supporters then got an avenue as well. Admiral Boulevard was originally Federal Boulevard so named because it was the border between the Creek and Cherokee nations, but no record has been found regarding why it was renamed Admiral. After the city expanded beyond Sheridan Road, which had been merely a country road, the city commission began a numbering system with 65th East Place. Streets named after Indian tribes are: Apache, Cheyenne, Delaware, Erie, Iroquois, Mohawk, Osage, Mingo, Peoria, Quanah, Seminole, Tecumseh, Ute.
History of Tulsa Urban Development (1901-1945)
From Tulsa Preservation Commission
What sites in Tulsa are on the National Register of Historic Places?
Tulsa has several districts and individual locations on the National Register of Historic Places. These links will help to locate the sites.
What is the history of Cherry Street?
Tulsa's only shopping district in a recognized Historic District is a stretch of 15th Street between Peoria and Utica Avenues. The name can be found on the areas original plat maps dating to 1906. Known as "Cherry Street" until the early 1900's, the street was renamed to 15th Street to comply with a city ordinance. The corner of 15th and Peoria became the location for the city's first suburban traffic light, and the first major structure built on Cherry Street was the Bellview School built in 1909.
Source: Tulsa World, November 16, 1992; p.A9.
What is the total area of Tulsa in square miles?
2020 - 197.53 square miles (Census QuickFacts)
2010 - 196.75 square miles (Census QuickFacts)
2000 - 182.6 square miles (World Almanac and Book of Facts 2011, p. 572).
1990 - 183.5 square miles (County and City Data Book, 1994).
1980 -185.6 square miles (County and City Data Book, 1983).
1970 - 175.71 square miles (City Engineers' Office).
1960 - 48.97 square miles (City Engineers' Office).
1950 - 26.7 square miles (County and City Data Book, 1956).
1940 - 21.4 square miles (County and City Data Book, 1949).
1930 - 21.60 square miles (Census of U.S. Metropolitan Statistics, 1930).
How large is Tulsa County (land and water) in square miles?
Tulsa county covers 570.22 miles
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2020 Census
What are historical population numbers for the city of Tulsa and Tulsa MSA?
City of Tulsa Tulsa MSA
1890 - n/a 1890 – n/a
1900 - 1,390 1900 – n/a
1910 - 18,182 1910 – 121,141
1920 - 72,075 1920 – 247,015
1930 - 141,258 1930 - 340,407
1940 - 142,157 1940 - 333,088
1950 - 182,740 1950 - 364,173
1960 - 261,685 1960 - 455,261
1970 - 330,350 1970 - 527,533
1980 - 360,919 1980 - 657,173
1990 - 367,302 1990 - 708,954
2000 - 393,049 2000 - 842,920
2010 - 391,906 2010 - 937,478
2020 - 413,066 2023 - 1,017,724
What are the five tallest buildings in Tulsa?
- BOK Tower (Williams Center) (1975), 667 feet and 52 stories, is the tallest building.
- Cityplex Central Tower (1979), 648 feet, 60 stories.
- First Place Tower (First National Bank) (1973), 516 feet, 40 stories.
- Mid-Continent Tower (1984), 513 feet, 36 stories.
- Bank of America Center (Fourth National Bank) (1967), 412 feet, 32 stories.
What is the elevation of Tulsa (city) and its metro area suburbs?
- Tulsa is 700 feet above sea level. National Weather Service
- Bixby is 597 feet above sea level. US Climate Data
- Broken Arrow is 754 feet above sea level. Topoquest
- Claremore is 620 feet above sea level. US Climate Data
- Glenpool is 732 feet above sea level. Topoquest
- Jenks is 673 feet above sea level. Topoquest
- Owasso is 653 feet above sea level. Topoquest
- Sand Springs is 676 feet above sea level. US Climate Data
- Sapulpa is 761 feet above sea level. Topoquest
What are the highest and lowest elevation points in Tulsa County?
The highest point in Tulsa County is near the center of Section 21, T. 19 N., R. 10 E., where the elevation is approximately 1,024 feet above sea level. This high point is located in the western part of the county near Keystone Lake and the Red Fork area. The lowest point is near the SE Corner of Section 25, T. 17 N., R. 14 E., where the Arkansas River crosses the east county line. The elevation is approximately 560 feet above sea level.
What is the latitude and longitude of Tulsa?
The latitude of Tulsa is 36° 9' 14.3280'' N
The longitude of Tulsa is 95° 59' 33.9900'' W
Source: LatLong.Net
How many registered voters in Tulsa County?
As of January 2025, a total of 406,850 people are registered to vote in Tulsa County.
119,120 people are registered Democrats, 195,133 people are registered Republicans, 88,390 people are registered Independents, and 4,207 people are registered Libertarians.
For what purpose was the historic Cain's Ballroom building originally built?
It was to be a parking garage for Tate Brady.
Source: Cains Ballroom
Where is the Frank Lloyd Wright house, Westhope, located?
A profile by the Tulsa Preservation Commission
Westhope is located at 3704 S. Birmingham Ave. The house was built in 1919 for Richard Lloyd Jones, Wright's cousin and owner of the Tulsa Tribune newspaper.
- The library has at least one article on Westhope in the vertical files in the Oklahoma Room at Central Library.
Where is the Creek Council Oak Tree located in Tulsa?
Information from the Tulsa Preservation Commission
The ancient Council Oak Tree is a cornerstone of Tulsa history. Overlooking the Arkansas River, the area that is now Council Oak Park was established as ceremonial grounds for the Locv Pokv Tvlse tribal town of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation in 1836.
Is there a World Trade Center Memorial located in Tulsa County?
The City of Bixby dedicated this memorial September 11, 2002 in Washington Irving Park. This park is located just north of the Arkansas River bridge on Memorial. It is on the west side of Memorial just under the bridge.
Source: https://www.bixbyok.gov/facilities/facility/details/Washington-Irving-Park-9
Where is the "Center of the Universe" in downtown Tulsa?
The "center" is a worn concrete circle, 30 inches in diameter, in the middle of a 13-row circle of bricks eight feet in diameter. It is located at the apex of a rebuilt span of a pedestrian bridge, originally built in the 1930's.
In the 1930's the bridge was for vehicles to cross over the railroad tracks. The new bridge goes over the railroad tracks from Archer Street to First Street, west of the Union depot and immediately south of the Williams Center Tower.
The center of the universe is an acoustic anomaly; when one stands in the center of the circle and makes a noise, that noise is echoed back several times louder than it was made. Adding to the mystery is a 72.5 foot sculpture by Indian artist Robert Haozous, entitled "Artificial Cloud." It has also been called "Unity".
What are some facts about Tulsa's Golden Driller?
The Golden Driller was designed by George S. "Grecco" Hondronastas. Mr. Hondronastas was born in Greece and came to the United States in 1910. He became an American citizen in 1915.
The Golden Driller was built by Dallas Meade Constructors, Inc., of Tulsa, and installed on May 12, 1966 for the 1966 International Petroleum Exposition (IPE). It is made of fiberglass and concrete, and reinforced with structural steel. It is said to be able to withstand 200 mph winds.
Mid-Continent Supply Company donated the Golden Driller as a permanent symbol of the IPE and of Tulsa, the Oil Capital of the World (at the time).
It is 76 feet tall.
It weighs 43,500 lbs.
It wears a 48 foot belt, and size 393-DDD shoes.
It wears a size 112 hard hat.
Source: Tulsa World, April 20, 1997, p. A17. & Tulsa World, March 25, 1979.
The GAP Band got its start in Tulsa. For what do the letters "GAP" stand?
GAP represents three Tulsa streets: Greenwood, Archer, and Pine.
Source: OKHistory.org
Fans can have the ultimate GAP Band experience by visiting the members' childhood home and walking the north Tulsa streets that gave the band its famous name - Greenwood, Archer and Pine. Feel the funk with a tour through the places that influenced the band's sound and gave brothers Charlie, Ronnie and Robert their start in the industry. From the church where the brothers used to sing together as boys to the studio where they recorded as adults, this road trip hits all the GAP Band high notes. TravelOK.com
The corner of Greenwood Avenue and Pine St. has a street sign designating in Gap Band Way.
What cities, connected with Tulsa, are in the Sister Cities International Program?
Currently, there are nine active Sister Cities. Included are Amiens, France; Beihai, China; Celle, Germany; Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Mwanza, Tanzania; San Luis Potosi, Mexico; Tiberius, Israel; Utsunomiya, Japan; and Zelenograd, Russia.
Source: Tulsa Global Alliance
Why is Tulsa sometimes called the Magic Empire?
According to an article in Action Tulsa World 9/21/67, the term was adopted by the Tulsa Daily World circulation department in 1922 and referred to the 32-county circulation area of the newspaper. Many local businesses and organizations picked up on the phrase and it seems to have stuck, at least for a while.
Economic forecaster Roger Babson included the Magic Empire in his 1927 report on the "Magic Circle," which was an area of southeastern Kansas, southwestern Missouri, northeastern Oklahoma, and northwestern Arkansas that he described as the safest area (in time of war) in the world. This, of course, was well before the invention of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Where can I find information about traffic alerts and road closures?
The statewide road conditions hotline number is (888) 425-2385. Or explore the links below.
Where can I find a list of Tulsa neighborhood associations?
The City of Tulsa web site lists neighborhood associations and has limited contact information for many of them.
Where can I find a city limits map, a Tulsa highway plan map, or a zoning map for Tulsa and its' surrounding communities?
INCOG (Indian Nation Council of Governments) has this type of information available on their website.
How many courts are located in Tulsa County?
U.S. District Court, 333 West Fourth Street, Room 411, Tulsa, OK, 74103. Phone: (918)699-4700.
The United States district courts are the trial courts of the federal court system.
In Oklahoma, we have federal courts, state courts, district courts, municipal courts and tribal courts. Below are the courts located within Tulsa County.U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 224 S. Boulder, Room 105, Tulsa OK, 74103. Phone: (918)699-4000.
Federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction over bankruptcy cases. This means that a bankruptcy case cannot be filed in a state court.
- Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals, Division 2 & 4, 201 W. 5th St., Tulsa OK, 74103. Phone: (539)444-2511
Tulsa County Courthouse, 500 S. Denver, Tulsa OK, 74103. Phone: (918)596-5000.
The County Court has 6 divisions: Civil, Criminal, Family, Probate, Small Claims & Therapeutic Court
The Courthouse is currently under construction.
Tulsa Municipal Court, 600 Civic Center, Tulsa OK, 74103. Phone: (918)596-7757.
The Court is responsible for misdemeanor traffic, parking and criminal offenses; as well as code violations for health, fire, animal, and zoning violations.
Court Records - (918) 596-1625
Jail Bonds - (918) 596-9253
Probation - (918) 596-7750
Public Defenders - (918) 596-9393Owasso Municipal Court, 111 N. Main (City Hall), Owasso, OK 74055. Phone: 918-376-1550
The mission of the Municipal Court is to administer and render equal justice to those accused of violating the laws and ordinances of the community.
- Glenpool Municipal Court,14600 S. Elwood, Glenpool, OK 74033. Phone: 918-209-4684
- Bixby Municipal Court, City Hall 116 W. Needles Bixby, OK 74008. Phone: 918-366-4430
Broken Arrow Municipal Court, 2304 South First Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012. Ph:918-451-8558
The Broken Arrow Municipal Court has jurisdiction over all traffic and misdemeanor offenses committed in violation of current city ordinances.
- Jenks Municipal Courts, 211 North Elm Jenks, OK 74037-2007. Phone: 918-299-5883
- Skiatook Municipal Court, 110 North Broadway, Skiatook, OK 74070 Phone: 918-396-2797
Where can I find a copy of Tulsa's current water quality report?
Each year, the City of Tulsa provides a Water Quality Report for those who are using water treated by its treatment facilities. Residents can view reports for current and previous years. A hard copy can be obtained by calling Water Quality Assurance at (918) 591-4378.
How can I compare local school districts?
Oklahoma School Report Cards, created by the Office of Educational Quality & Accountability, measures school performance across multiple indicators, including academic achievement, academic growth, chronic absenteeism, progress in English language proficiency assessments, postsecondary opportunities and graduation.