Weather Forecasts
Weather forecasts, warnings, radar pictures, air quality, climate information and more
The National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas, for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy.
Provides warnings and watches for potential and existing storm threats
The Storm Prediction Center (SPC), located in Norman, Oklahoma, is tasked with forecasting the risk of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in the contiguous United States.
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
Get climate information for your part of the state.
Weather, climate, and forecasting information specific to Oklahoma
The Oklahoma Mesonet is a world-class network of environmental monitoring stations. The network was designed and implemented by scientists at the University of Oklahoma (OU) and at Oklahoma State University (OSU).
NOAA -- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
The federal government's lead agency for climate and weather information
From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product.
Since 1792, the Old Farmer's Almanac has provided weather forecasts & predictions, planting schedules, moon phases and more
Forecasts, weather news and more from The Weather Channel features current conditions and forecasts for over 98,000 locations worldwide, along with local and regional radars. Many maps and other features available on the domestic cable television are also at one's fingertips, along with weather-related news, educational material, a weather glossary, a storm encyclopedia, and seasonal features.
Weather Preparedness
Extreme weather is unpredictable. Don't be caught off guard, plan accordingly for any possible hazardous weather or weather related disaster.
Create an Emergency Plan
- Have a family or household meeting to discuss plans for any possible emergency -- tornado, fire, flood, etc
- Decide how your family will respond to the differed disasters
- Plan escape routes and determine safe places in and outside the house
- Discuss how to handle medical emergencies
- Keep family records in a fire and water-proof safe
- Keep important contact information on-hand
Additional tips for creating an emergency plan can be found at, the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, & the American Red Cross.
Build a Disaster Supply Kit
Prepare your kit well in advance of any potential disaster and adjust the kit to seasonal threats such as cold, tornadoes or floods. Build a kit that will last your family at least 72-hours. Here are a few things to consider putting in your disaster supply kit:
- Water -- at least one gallon per person per day for a minimum of three days
- Food -- at least a three day supply of non-perishable items
- Radio & a NOAA weather radio -- either battery powered or hand crank and extra batteries for both
- Flashlight & extra batteries
- First aid kit
- Whistle
- Can opener
- Wrench or pliers
Additional supplies to consider can be found at Kits can also be purchased from stores or organizations such as the Red Cross.
Plan for specific disasters
Know the Terms
Tornado Watch -- Tornadoes are possible. Remain alert for approaching storms. Watch the sky and stay tuned to a weather radio, commercial radio, or television for alerts or news.
- Tornado Warning -- A tornado has been spotted or indicated by a weather radar. Take cover immediately.
Links to tornado specific planning and resources
Extreme Heat
Links to Heat related resources
Links to flood related resources
Drop -- Cover -- & Hold On! Links to earthquake related resources
Additional resources for natural disasters, terrorist attacks, technological disasters or other safety concerns
These websites provide a wealth of information to help you, your family, or your business plan for most natural and man-made disasters.
Weather Facts, Data & Statistics
The world's largest archive of weather data.
U.S. National Hazard Statistics
Provides statistical information on fatalities, injuries and damages caused by weather related hazards.
A wealth of earthquake data and information from the U.S.G.S.
Monthly summaries from major airport weather stations that includes a daily account of temperature extremes, degree days, precipitation and winds.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) has been compiled from questions asked of the Storm Prediction Center as well as basic tornado research information and countless scientific resources.
National Snow & Ice Data Center
The NDIC manages and distributes scientific data, creates tools for data access, supports data users, performs scientific research, and educates the public about the cryosphere.
Contains a chronological listing, by state, of hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail, floods, drought conditions, lightning, high winds, snow, temperature extremes and other weather phenomena.
A multi-agency and institution collaboration tracking drought in the United States.
Where can I find past weather data?
Finding Past Weather...Fast (National Weather Service)
Mesonet (Oklahoma Climatological Survey)
Where can I find information on tornadoes that have occured in Tulsa County?
Using the National Weather Service Southern Region Headquarters website, you can view information on tornadoes have occurred in Tulsa County between the years 1875 - 2010.
What is the average number of tornadoes that strike Oklahoma each year?
Between the years 1953-2004, an average of 57 struck Oklahoma each year.
What is the difference between the warning siren for flood and tornado in Tulsa?
The Tulsa Area Management Agency's emergency operations center controls 75 sirens to warn people about tornadoes, flash flood and attacks during war. All are three minutes long. A tornado warning is a steady, high pitched tone; flash flood is an alternating high-low signal; the attack is an unbroken, wavering signal.
What measurement is used to indicate the severity of a tornado?
The Fujita, or F-Scale, was developed in 1971 by T. Theodore Fujita of the University of Chicago.The original scale was updated in 2007. The updated scale, known as the Enhanced F-Scale, is set of wind-speed estimates - not measurements - based on damage surveys. Its estimates at the point of damage are based on a judgement of eight levels of damage indicators.
The Enhanced F-Scale:
- EF Number 0, 65-85 mph
- EF Number 1, 86-110 mph
- EF Number 2, 111-135 mph
- EF Number 3, 136-165 mph
- EF Number 4, 166-200 mph
- EF Number 5, Over 200 mph
The original F-Scale:
- F-0 (Gale tornado) 40-72 mph
- F-1 (Moderate tornado) 73-112 mph
- F-2 (Significant tornado) 113-157
- F-3 (Severe tornado) 158-206 mph
- F-4 (Devastating tornado) 207-260 mph
- F-5 (Incredible tornado) 261-318 mph
- F-6 (Inconceivable tornado) 319 - 379 mph
- The Fujita Scale at the Wikipedia
SoonerSafe: Safe Room Rebate Program
The SoonerSafe - Safe Room Rebate Program was developed by the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management to provide a rebate for purchase and installation of safe rooms for Oklahoma homeowners.
Oklahoma is providing this safe room rebate program through the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Therefore OEM must comply with all federal grant regulations for each rebate recipient, to include eligibility of properties, required documentation, etc.
A maximum rebate of $2,000 is available per home, not to exceed 75 percent of the actual cost of the safe room.
Grant recipients request reimbursement after the safe room has been purchased and installed.
Storm Shelter Registries
If you have a storm shelter it is important to register with your local municipality. This will assist first responders to know where to look for survivors.
If your city or town is not listed here, contact City Hall or your local fire department to enquire about possible registries.
Storm Shelter Building Permits
Information about building permits and construction guidelines for safe rooms within the Tulsa County communities. Fees vary by community.