Collection Overview
Tulsa City-County Library was designated a selective federal depository in 1963 and a full state depository in 1978. In addition, the library is a repository of historical Tulsa County and City of Tulsa publications.
Accessing the Collection
The Tulsa City-County Library (TCCL) offers the public free and unrestricted access to Federal Government information in print, microform and electronic formats. As a participant in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), TCCL follows the principle of free access governing use of depository materials as provided in Section 1911 of Title 44, United States Code.
All of the federal, state, and local publications part of the Research Center collections. Many federal and state publications are available for checkout and can be routed to a branch library of choice. For assistance accessing these collections, call Customer Care (918-549-7323), or Ask a Question online.
TCCL's federal, state, and local publications are included in the library's online catalog. Librarians in the Research Center are available to aid in locating materials in these areas.
Public access to FDLP and State of Oklahoma information on the Internet and in other electronic formats is free of charge, though printing fees do apply. The use of library computers to access electronic formats is defined in the Library's Computer Use Policy. Tulsa City-County Library does use filtering software on all of its workstations and WiFi network.
The FDLP: Helping to Keep America Informed
The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) was established by Congress to ensure that the American public has access to its Government's information. Since 1813, depository libraries have safeguarded the public's right to know by collecting, organizing, maintaining, preserving, and assisting users with information from the Federal Government. The FDLP provides Government information at no cost to designated depository libraries throughout the country and territories. These depository libraries, in turn, provide local, no-fee access to Government information in an impartial environment with professional assistance.
SuDoc Explained
The government documents received at TCCL are housed in the Research Center at the Central Library (4th St & Denver Ave). These materials are primarily arranged by SuDoc, short for the Superintendent of Documents call number system.
The SuDoc system is an alphanumeric call number scheme that places materials together in the shelves according to the agency that issued the document, reflecting the organization of the government. Here's an example:
click the image for additional information
For a more detailed explanation visit:
FDLP Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) Classification Scheme
Government Information on the Web
As the U.S. government's official web portal, makes it easy for the public to get U.S. government information and services on the web.
There are millions of government websites. These are just a few to assist with your online search of government information. provides Oklahoma citizens and businesses with 24/7 access to state government information and services. The portal offers more than 374,000 pages of information and interactive services.
- A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies
GovSpeak: a guide to U.S. Government Acronyms and Abbreviations
This guide lists acronyms and abbreviations commonly used by the United States federal government. Each acronym is defined and links to the home page (or best alternative) of the identified department, agency, office, program or publication. From the University of California San Diego.
Digitized Government Documents Collections
Provide permanent public access to all the current and future material in the University of North Texas Digital Collections within scope of the FDLP
Historic Government Publications from World War II
Provides permanent public access to digitized copies of U.S. Government publications distributed by GPO during World War II.
- American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents on the Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1899
Provides public access to digitized versions of documents related to American Indians and Alaskan Native published in the U.S. Congressional Serial Set during the 19th century.
FDLP Basic Collection
Core U.S. Government resources made available at all Federal depository libraries.