Keith Jemison
Phone: 918-549-7323
African-American Resource Center
Wireless printing
Checkout laptops for in-library use
Public Access Computers
Meeting Room(s)
Spanish-speaking staff / Personal bilingüe
Book Club
AWE Early Literacy Computer
Bike Locks
Audio Induction Looping, Auditorium Access
Public Fax, Scan, & Copy
Build A Reader Center
Business Center
Join the Friends of the Rudisill Regional Library today!

36.1777104, -95.9848341
Two auditoriums seat 200 & 300. There are 3 meeting rooms with capacities of 20 to 55 - depending on the room. Kitchen facilities are available for meeting room users. There is a group study room and a quiet study room. Wifi is available throughout the building. Online Request for Meeting Room
For the computer user, Rudisill offers 36 computers, 10 laptops, wifi service, and special software for the Family Learning Center, Children's area and home to the African-American Resource Center.
Classes are offered in a 12-station computer lab which can be booked by community organizations.
Learn more about this project
Tulsa City-County Library is pleased to announce that we are in the planning stages of considering expanding the Rudisill Regional Library, Brookside Library, South Broken Arrow Library, and the Owasso Library. Learn more about this exciting project at
Rudisill Regional Library History
First Greenwood Library opened in 1917 (a small building on land owned by the city-address not indicated). In June 1920, Librarian Alma McGlenn wrote to Andrew Carnegie’s secretary requesting funds for a Greenwood Library. The answer was no as Carnegie was not funding libraries at that time. On February 1, 1924, a Greenwood branch opened in a rented building at 543 East Cameron, St., with 500 volumes. In 1932, the new location for Greenwood branch was on the grounds of George Washington Carver School at Greenwood Avenue and Oklahoma Street. It was constructed in 1932 and the plans were drawn by Donald McCormick. Greenwood and Apache Circle branches were replaced by Seminole Hills in 1967. Mrs. Freddie Rudisill was the librarian.
In 1976 the staff and the collection from Seminole Hills opened the North Regional Library. Upon the death of Mrs. Rudisill in 1979, the library’s name was changed to honor her. Keith Jemison became the Rudisill Library Manager.
Charles Ward designed the building for the City of Tulsa, as a Model Cities Project. The Project housed the library at one end and several social service agencies at the other. In August of 1985 the City deeded the property to the Library System. Several of the social service agencies had moved, giving the library services more space. Later, the Library’s Outreach Services was moved into the north end. It became the home of the recording Volunteers group, who made tapes for the blind.
The genealogy service was moved from Central to Rudisill in July, 1990, at the completion of a renovation project. It occupied about 1,000 sq. ft. and provided ample free parking. It drew people from all over Oklahoma and surrounding states. Due to its popularity and outgrowing the space available, the services moved to the new Schusterman-Benson Library in 1997. In its place, an African-American Resource Center was developed, which serves the entire County.
As part of the 1998 Bond Issue program, a 2,900 sq. ft. addition was made to the main library area in 2003, providing more space for the African-American Resource Center and the children’s area. Also the former area used by Outreach Services was completely redone to accommodate a 300-seat auditorium and 3 smaller meeting rooms. The original auditorium was renovated to create small story hour room just off the hallway. Special funding provided the story hour room with an aquarium atmosphere. Local artists Debbie Bettinger did the wall mural and Cynthia Harris provided a tile mural with an ocean theme in the lobby. The room was then named for Jeanne B. Goodwin, in honor of her service to the community and her 100th birthday. Her portrait, painted by Detroit, Michigan artist, Felix Cole, hangs outside the room.
Branch Managers
Freddie Rudisill 1976-1979
Keith Jemison 1979-present
Rudisill Regional Library Book Club
The Grapevine Literary Society is an informal membership organization, open to all men and women who are interested in discussing and expanding their knowledge of literature written primarily by African-American authors. The group meets on the 3rd Monday of each month. For book titles and more information visit the African-American Resource Center website. Friends of the Rudisill Regional Library Book Discussion Group is open to all adults. The group usually meets for a Brown Bag Lunch, 11:30-1 p.m., on the 3rd Tuesdays in March, June, September and December. Titles, primarily African-American themed, are selected based upon upcoming author visits, new books or classical works, which are decided at the quarterly meeting of the Friends group.