bookmobile photo

Come and join us on the Bookmobile!

We carry a wide variety of the latest materials for all ages, including regular and large print books, audiobooks, music cds and movies - AND IT'S ALL FREE!  All you need is a library card.

You can request items from any Tulsa City-County Library and pick them up at the nearest Bookmobile stop.  You can return items from any Tulsa City-County Library to the Bookmobile. You can return Bookmobile items to any Tulsa City-County Library.  There are no fines charged on the bookmobile. 

The Bookmobile visits more than 40 sites each month, based on a biweekly or monthly schedule.  The Bookmobile also represents the Tulsa City-County Library at community events, across Tulsa County. 

For more information, please contact Outreach Services at outreach.services@tulsalibrary.org or 918.549.7480.

Bookmobile Frequently Asked Questions

Bookmobile History

Since 1930, the Tulsa City-County Library has been visiting neighborhoods with its "library on wheels", the bookmobile. Tulsa’s first librarian, Miss Alma McGlenn commissioned a bookmobile — the first one in all of Oklahoma. Pretty soon, the bookmobile was all over Tulsa, going to places where the people were: public parks, shopping centers, schools, and even municipal swimming pools.

By the summer of 1953, four bookmobiles and two trailers were making a total of 20 to 25 stops a week. The summer before, with just two bookmobiles, nearly 40,000 books circulated, with the busiest stop at 21st and Harvard – at that location, readers borrowed 7,490 books during the summer of 1952.

In 1968, the Tulsa City-County Library received a $10,000 grant from the Office of Economic Opportunity to take library services to the “disadvantaged and culturally deprived areas”. The money was used to refurbish a bookmobile so that it featured a full-range stereo system (which librarians used to play “soul music” and other popular records at regular stops), an outside screen for showing 16 mm films, and a “psychedelic” look. There was a contest to name the new bookmobile: "Mod-Mobile" won.

In 1991, the Tulsa City-County Library purchased a new bookmobile. It served the library for 17 years until its replacement arrived, in 2008.  The current bookmobile travels more than 500 miles each month visiting 24 sites across Tulsa County.  

In 2016, the Tulsa City-County Library purchased a new bookmobile, due to the generosity of Ruth K. Nelson.  The 28-foot vehicle, holds 3,000 volumes for all ages.  It serves more than 40 sites each month, covering more than 750 miles across Tulsa County. This mobile library features: 

  • Self-check-out machine for customer usage – 1st bookmobile in the country with such a machine.
  • TV to broadcast info about TCCL (TV can be used inside and outside vehicle.)
  • 2 adjustable height staff workstations with internet accessible laptops.
  • Lift for wheelchair access.
  • Awnings on both sides to provide shade when necessary.
  • Portable stage for presentations and small events.
  • Modular shelving to ensure collection is accessible to patrons depending on their unique needs.
  • Removable carts intended for usage outside the vehicle with a rotating collection of materials that are tailored to the event the vehicle is participating in (for example, gardening books at a farmers’ market event.)
  • Solar panels and skylights.

Can I use the bookmobile and the branch libraries?

Yes.  You are welcome to use the bookmobile and the branch libraries.

What kinds of materials does the bookmobile have on board?

The bookmobile has several thousand items, including regular and large print books, audiobooks, movies and music cds.  If you don't find something you are looking for, you can submit a request for an item at one of the the branches to be sent to the bookmobile for pickup. 

Does the bookmobile have a self-check machine?

Yes. The bookmobile is the first bookmobile in the country with a self-check machine.  Just as you can use a self-machine to check your library materials in and out, you can do the same on the bookmobile's machine.

What ages does the bookmobile serve?

All ages.  Since the bookmobile visits sites for adults, including seniors, and families, it has materials for all ages, including board and large print books.  

Does the bookmobile attend community events?

Yes.  Bookmobile attendance at community events is in addition to a full schedule of regular visits to adult and family communities. Bookmobile availability for community events is limited and requests much be made at least six weeks prior to the event.

The bookmobile attends events for a number of reasons:

  • To promote the library system
  • To promote the bookmobile and other specific library services

There are some considerations that influence our decision:

  • Schedule availability of the vehicle and staff
  • Safe access to and parking at the event 

The library also looks for events that fit in with these purposes:

  • The event provides an opportunity to promote library services to a large group of new or potential library patrons.
  • The event is related to the library's mission.
  • The event is non-commercial.
  • School visits are made for career vehicle days and to reach the entire school or students in a selected program.

These are the types of activities that the bookmobile may carry out, depending on the event, number of staff attending, and the audience:

  • Library card signups
  • Presentations about library programs and services
  • Checking out materials

If you would like to bookmobile to attend your event, contact 918-549-7480 or outreach.services@tulsalibrary.org.

Where does the bookmobile go?

For schedule questions, please contact Outreach Services at 918.549.7480 or  outreach.services@tulsalibrary.org.






Reading Roadshow

The Reading Roadshow brings engaging, formative reading experiences and books to preschool students in underserved communities. Traveling from preschool to preschool, the program provides a gateway library experience, promotes literacy and the joy of reading for these children and their caregivers, and provides opportunities to improve the children's school readiness. 

The Children’s Outreach Literacy Specialist visits early childhood centers, providing engaging, enriching library experiences to preschoolers and their caregivers. Classes participate in story time and hands-on, story-related activities, and then visit the library on wheels to check out books. 

For more information, please contact Outreach Services at outreach.services@tulsalibrary.org or 918.549.7480.  

Reading Roadshow vehicle


Reading Roadshow Frequently Asked Questions

Reading Roadshow History

The Reading Roadshow was purchased in 2007 and service to preschoolers and their caregivers began in 2008. For the next nine years, the Waters Charitable Foundation and Ruth G Hardman Adult Literacy Endowment underwrote the service.  The vehicle visited early childcare sites, across Tulsa County.

In 2018, a new Reading Roadshow arrived in Tulsa, due to the generosity of the Waters and Flint Foundations.  The 26-foot vehicle, holds up to 2,000 volumes for children and their caregivers.  It serves more than 12 sites each month, covering more than 250 miles across Tulsa County.  This mobile library features:

  • Self-check-out machine for customer usage.
  • Staff workstation with an internet accessible laptop.
  • Lift for wheelchair access.
  • Passenger side awning to provide shade when necessary.
  • Modular shelving to ensure the collection is accessible to customers depending on their unique needs.

What sites does the Roadshow visit?

The Reading Roadshow targets underserved, low-income communities with a chief outcome to improve school readiness skills. We do this by providing early learning and literacy activities that introduce the importance and joy of reading, ignite a love of learning, and build positive experiences with libraries. Our staff models research-based techniques that promote early literacy skill development.  Visits occur based on a pre-determined monthly and quarterly schedule.

What ages does the Roadshow serve?

Preschoolers and their caregivers.  Since the Roadshow visits early childhood centers, it has materials for these individuals, including board and professional development books.

What kinds of materials does the Roadshow have on board?

The Roadshow has over a thousand items for preschoolers and their caregivers.  These include board books, easy picture books, beginning readers, juvenile nonfiction and a collection of professional development books that support preschool curriculums.  If they don’t find something they are looking for, Roadshow customers are welcome to submit a request for the Children’s Outreach Literacy Specialist to bring the item during the next visit.

Does the Roadshow have a self-check machine?

Yes.  The Roadshow does have a self-check machine.  Just as you can use a self-check machine to check your library materials in and out at branch libraries, you can do the same on the Roadshow’s machine.

Does the Roadshow attend community events?

Yes. Roadshow attendance at community events is in addition to a full schedule of regular visits to early childhood centers.  Roadshow availability for community events is limited and requests must be made at least six weeks prior to the event.

The Roadshow attends events for a number of reasons:

  • To promote the library system
  • To promote the Roadshow and other specific library services

These are some considerations that influence our decision:

  • Schedule availability of the vehicle and staff
  • Safe access to parking at the event
  • Safe entrance to and exit from the event
  • The event provides an opportunity to promote library services to a large group of new or potential library customers.
  • The event is related to the library’s mission.
  • The event is non-commercial.

These are the types of activities that the Roadshow may carry out, depending on the event, number of staff attending, and the audience:

  • Tours of the vehicle
  • Library card sign ups
  • Presentations about library programs and services
  • Checking out materials

If you would like the Roadshow to attend your event, please contact Outreach Services at outreach.services@tulsalibrary.org or 918.549.7480.