Are you struggling with a writing assignment?
Do you need help conducting research for a paper?
Whether you're a student, parent or teacher, your library card has your back! Check out these resources and services to help with your research and writing needs.
Research Help
Our Book a Research Librarian service allows you to schedule your appointment through our website and meet with a professional research librarian via Zoom.
This service is perfect for:
- Students who need resources for a school assignment
- Entrepreneurs conducting research for their business
- Nonprofit professionals researching potential funders
- Oklahoma history research
- Job seekers who want to update their résumé
- Anyone seeking in-depth information on a specific topic
Book a Research Librarian is for one-on-one assistance with TCCL resources. We cannot assist customers with personal devices (such as laptops, cell phones, or tablets) or using commercial websites. The Book a Research Librarian service is not for scheduling speakers for group classes. To request a speaker for a class, please call our Customer Care department at 918-549-7323. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
Appointments are available Monday-Saturday. You must have an active library card to schedule an appointment. If you cannot book an appointment online or need to meet with us at a day and time not available on our website, contact Customer Care.
Click here to book a Research Librarian!
Writing Help
Whether you're writing a paper or studying for a test, resources like live online tutors and the Writing Lab can help you get the grade you want--and they are available for FREE through Homework HelpNow!
Homework HelpNow provides the following assistance for learners of all ages and skill levels:
- Live Tutoring | 2-11 p.m. seven days a week for grades K through College; select your grade and subject from drop menus to connect via a chat session with a live tutor; Spanish-speaking tutors also available at all levels. [tutors are background checked and chat sessions are monitored]
- Writing Lab | Any day of the week or time of day, upload your completed writing assignment and one of their writing experts will analyze it and provide helpful comments; response is usually within two to three business days,
- SkillSurfer | Live skills building and a library of lessons, videos, tests and more at Elementary, Middle and High School levels.
- Flashcard Sets | Available 24/7 and in hundreds of subjects for math, science, history, languages, geography, standardized tests, business, medical, and agriculture. Study anytime, make your own, take them on the go with the Brainfuse mobile app. Efficient tools for self-study.
- Adult Learners | High school equivalency prep, U.S. Citizenship test prep, Microsoft Office help, Career Resources, Resume writing help, and more.
If you're at home or school, access Homework HelpNow here by entering your last name and your complete library card number with no spaces.