2025 Teen Team
Look for applications at your local library, starting April 1, or print one off here. Application deadline is May 1, but some branches may have room to make exceptions.
What is Teen Team?
Teen Team
Teen Team volunteers assist librarians with Tulsa City-County Library activities during the annual library Summer Reading Program and get hands-on job experience. In late spring each year, interested teens can fill out an application and return it to the library location where they are interested in volunteering.
Apply by downloading and filling out this application, and returning the application to the location where you would prefer to volunteer.
Who can apply to be a Teen Team volunteer?
Applicants should be:
- 13-15 years old
- Able to work for several hours a week during the summer at a Tulsa City-County Library.
- Interested in gaining job experience, helping your local library, working with children and having fun!
- Willing to complete an application, interview for the position and complete a training session.
How do I apply?
Each year, in late spring, interested teens can fill out an application and return it to the library location where they are interested in volunteering. This year's application can be downloaded here.
How many Teen Team volunteers will each location accept?
The size of each library location's Teen Team depends on the needs of the location. It is better to turn in your application early, so you have a greater chance of being accepted at your desired location.
Does the library accept each Teen Team volunteer who applies?
The Teen Team volunteer program serves as a first job experience, with an application process, interviews, and formal job offers. Not every applicant will be accepted.