Nursing Homes, Retirement Villages, and Assisted Living Centers
Outreach Services offers a full range of library services for residents of these sites. Each month, the staff brings the bookmobile, makes door-to-door visits to deliver library materials, and mails out library materials to residents. Residents can submit requests for materials and/or staff will select items according to the individual resident's reading, listening and/or viewing interests.
We have access to the extensive collection of regular-print and large-print books, audiobooks, movies and music CDs contained within the Tulsa City-County Library System.
If you would like to join this service, find out if and when we visit your facility, or make requests, call us at 918.549.7480 or fill out the online form.
If you are already on the service, you may make requests online.
What services does the library provide for people that are unable to visit the library?
Depending on the situation, Outreach Services may bring the bookmobile to your community, deliver materials to your door, or mail materials to your home.
How do I become an Outreach Services customer?
To determine if you qualify, contact Outreach Services by phone at 918-549-7480, by email at, or fill out the online form.
What services are available to nursing homes, retirement villages and assisted living centers?
Outreach Services provides a variety of service options, including deposit collections, bookmobile visits, door-to-door delivery, Books-by-Mail and presentations about library programs and services. For more information, contact 918-549-7480 or
Is the bookmobile wheelchair-accessible?
Yes. The bookmobile has a wheelchair lift that is available for customers to use to safely enter and exit the vehicle.
Can I use the Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped if I am an Outreach Services customer?
Yes. The Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped is the source for talking books for individuals that are unable to read the written word due to visual impairments or physical disabilities. They mail thousands of free recorded books and the equipment needed to play them to patrons all across the state.
Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped staff assist patrons with their reading selections. The Oklahoma Telephone Reader provides general interest newspaper articles and magazines for patrons to access via their home telephone.
Contact the Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped at 800-523-0288 (toll-free), 405-521-4672 (TTY/TTD), or at
What services are available to activities directors?
Outreach Services provides support materials, including library materials. Staff are also available to do presentations about library services and programs to residents.
When do deliveries to adult and senior sites occur?