Play Title Sort descending Description Author Call Number Collection Page Number
The Lamplighter Dickens, Charles 828.809 D555w v.18 The Works of Charles Dickens, vol. 18 397
The Land of Heart's Desire Yeats, William Butler 822.912 Y34p 2001 The Collected Works of W.B. Yeats, Vol. II The Plays 65
The Land of Heart's Desire Yeats, W. B. 822 Y34c 1953 The Collected Plays of W. B. Yeats 33
The Land of the Astronauts Foote, Horton 812.54 F739s 1989 Selected One-Act Plays of Horton Foote 461
The Lark Adapted by Lillian Hellman Anouilh, Jean 808.82 G21t 1957 Twenty Best European Plays 90
The Last Analysis Bellow, Saul 812.08 B461 ser.6 Best American Plays, sixth series 1963-1967 97
The Last Bus from Lockerbee Bradley, Virginia 812.041 B72 1977 Stage Eight: One Act Plays 209
The Last Days of Mankind (excerpt) Kraus, Karl 832.91208 W46 1972 German Drama Between the Wars 355
The Last Disciple Housman, Laurence 822 H81f Followers of St Francis 43
The Last Joke Bagnold, Enid 822.912 B14f 1971 Four Plays 83
The Last Judgement adapted by Maurice Hussey Anonymous 822.08 C42 1957 The Chester Mystery Plays 142
The Last of Ala Ibe, Iro 812.0080352 R679 1991 Roots and Blossoms: African American Plays for Today 187
The Last of My Solid Gold Watches Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675tw 1966 27 Wagons Full of Cotton and Other Plays 75
The Last of My Solid Gold Watches Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675t 1990 v.6 The Theatre of Tennessee Williams, vol. 6 93
The Last of My Solid Gold Watches from 27 Wagons Full of Cotton (1946) Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675pL 2000 Plays 1937-1955 336
The Last of the Reapers Kai, Nubia 812.0080352 R679 1991 Roots and Blossoms: African American Plays for Today 263
The Last One Collins, Bessie 812.508 K84o 1940a One Hundred Non-Royalty One Act Plays 227
The Last Season Moore, Christopher 812.5408 S497 2004 Seven Black Plays: the Theodore Ward Prize for African American Playwriting 3
The Last Supper Baxteres Anonymous 822.1 Y82ys 1963 York Plays 233
The Last Time We Saw Her Anderson, Jane 812.5408 H88 1994 Humana Festival 94 1
The Last Yankee Miller, Arthur 812.52 M612p 2003 The Portable Arthur Miller 447
The Last Yankee One Act Miller, Arthur 820.8 A627 no.66 Antaeus 341
The Last Yankee Miller, Arthur 808.8241 P699 1991 Plays in One Act 341
The Last Yankee Miller, Arthur 812.008 B46 1991/1992 The Best American Short Plays 1991-1992 129
The Last Yankee Miller, Arthur 812.52 M612p 1995 The Portable Arthur Miller 447
The Late Christopher Bean adapted by Sidney Howard Fauchois, Rene 808.82 G21t 1957 Twenty Best European Plays 443
The Laughing Man Oboler, Arch 812 O13 1940 Fourteen Radio Plays 3
The Laughter of the Gods Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Baron 822 D92 1917 Plays of Gods and Men 51
The Leader Ionesco, Eugene 808.82 H286 1975 Drama Principles and Plays 545
The League of Youth Third section Ibsen, Henrik 839.8226 I14p 1934 The Plays of Henrik Ibsen 123
The League of Youth translated by William Archer Ibsen, Henrik 839.82 I12wo 1906-12 v. 6 Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen, vol. 6 13
The League of Youth Ibsne, Henrik 839.8226 I14ep 1935 Eleven Plays of Henrik Ibsen 817
The League of Youth translated by Peter Watts Ibsen, Henrik 839.8226 I14L 1965 A Doll's House and Other Plays 23
The Learned Woman trans. by Donald M. Frame Moliere 842.4 M733mi 2005 The Misanthrope and Other Plays 357
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow adapted by Jennifer L. Kroll Irving, Washington 812.54 B235c 2002 Classic Readers Theater for Young Adults 121
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Radio play adaptation Calhoun, Dorothy 812.508 k84o 1940a One Hundred One-Royalty Act Plays 777
The Lemonade Stand Harnetiaux, Bryan 812.04108 P698 1993 Play it Again: More One-Act Plays for Acting Students 55
The Lesson translated by Donald M. Allen Ionesco, Eugene 842.914 I64b 1982 The Bald Soprano and Other Plays 43
The Levee Bowyer, Taylor Mac 812.04108 T13901 2003 Take Ten II: more ten-minute plays 185
The Levite One Act Smith, Agnes Irene 812.08 S64 1943 20 Prize-Winning Non-Royalty One-Act Plays 349
The Libation Bearers translated by Robert Fagles Aeschylus 882.01 A25ofa 1977 The Oresteia 173
The Libation Bearers translated by Paul Roche Aeschylus 882.01 A25or 1996 The Orestes Plays of Aeschylus 101
The Libation Bearers translated by David R. Slavitt Aeschylus 882.01 A25aes 1998 v.1 Aeschylus, 1 69
The Libation-Bearers translated by Douglas Young Aeschylus 882.01 A25oy 1974 The Oresteia 57
The Library Maggi, Carlos 862 O48 1971 Voices of Change in the Spanish American Theater 105
The Lie translated by Maria Jolas and Barbara Wright Sarraute, Nathalie 842.914 S24c 1981 Collected Plays 71
The Life and Death of King John Shakespeare, William 822.33 J5 1997 The Norton Shakespeare 1015
The Life and Death of King John Shakespeare, William 822.33 I3 2005 The Oxford Shakespeare: the Complete Works 425
The Life and Death of King John Shakespeare, William 822.33 J94 1997 v.1 The Riverside Shakespeare 805
The Life and Death of King John Shakespeare, William 822.33 J4 v.3 The Swan Shakespeare, Vol. 3 Histories 1