Play Title Sort descending Description Author Call Number Collection Page Number
Auschwitz Barnes, Peter 808.829358 P699 1987 Plays of the Holocaust 105
Auto-da-Fe from 27 Wagons Full of Cotton (1946) Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675pL 2000 Plays 1937-1955 360
Auto-Da-Fe Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675tw 1966 27 Wagons Full of Cotton and Other Plays 107
Auto-Da-Fe Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675t 1990 v.6 The Theatre of Tennessee Williams, vol. 6 131
Autumn in the Palace of Han Ma Chih-yuan 895.108 B53 1965-72 V.1 Anthology of Chinese Literature 422
Awake and Sing! Odets, Clifford 810.8 J556 2001 Jewish American Literature 452
Awake and Sing! Odets, Clifford 812.5208 C62 1959 Famous American Plays of the 1930s 19
Awake and Sing! Odets, Clifford 812.508 B26 1969 v. 2 50 Best Plays of American Theatre Vol. 2 39
Awake and Sing! Odets, Clifford 812.5208 F2113 1988 Famous American Plays of the 1930s 19
Awake and Sing! Odets, Clifford 812.08 B46 Suppl. Best American Plays 1918-1958 501
Awake and Sing! Odets, Clifford 812.00808924 A964 1995 Awake and Singing : 7 Classic Plays from the American Jewish Repertoire 215
Awake and Sing! Odets, Clifford 822.9108 C66 1966 Twentieth Century Drama: England, Ireland, The United States 219
Awoi No Uye translated by Erza Pound and Ernest Fenollosa Ujinobu 895.62 F366c 2008 The Classic Noh Theatre of Japan 113
Aya No Tsuzumi (The Damask Drum) translated by Arthur Waley Seami 895.62 W149n 1957 The No Plays of Japan 171
Aya no tsuzumi (The Damask Drum) translated by Royall Tyler Anonymous 895.62208 J271 1992 Japanese No Dramas 49
Aye Aye Aye I'm Integrated Smith, Anna Deavere 812.540809287 H42 1997 Here To Stay 253
Azteca a Tragedy of Pre-Conquest Mexico Niggli, Josephina 812 N56 Mexican Folk Plays 151
Babes in the Wood Rome, Fred 827.912 R664f 1971 Potted Pantos 137
Baby Kearsley, Julia 812.008 B46 1985 The Best Short Plays, 1985 119
Baby Oboler, Arch 812 O13 1940 Fourteen Radio Plays 165
Baccalaureate Branch, William 812.54 B561 1992 Black Thunder : an Anthology of Contemporary African-American Drama 276
Bacchae translated by Henry Birkhead Euripides 882.008 L64 1957 Ten Greek Plays 325
Bacchides, or the Two Bacchises in Latin and English, translated by Paul Nixon Plautus 872 P69 1916-38 v.1 Plautus, vol. 1 325
Bacchus translated by Mary Hoeck Cocteau, Jean 842 C64n 1963 Infernal Machine 293
Back Bog Beast Bait Shepard, Sam 812.54 S54u 1972 The Unseen Hand and Other Plays 113
Back Bog Beast Bait Shepard, Sam 812.54 S54u 1996 The Unseen Hand and Other Plays 343
Bad Bad Jo-Jo Herlihy, James Leo 812.54 H42 1970 Stop, You're Killing Me 53
Bad Dream Lucas, Craig 812.54 A18801 1995 Actor's Book of Gay and Lesbian Plays 352
Bad Habits McNally, Terrence 812.54 M23te 1994 Terrence McNally: 15 Short Plays 195
Bad Men in the West Saroyan, William 812 S24r 1942 Razzle Dazzle 139
Bailegangaire Murphy, Thomas 820.99415 F454 1991 v.3 The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing vol.3 1236
Bake Off Wilner, Sheri 812.5408 H88 2002 Humana Festival 2002 289
Balcony Shafaat, Shahid 808.82 I61 2000 International Plays for Young Audiences 391
Ball Boys Edgar, David 812.008 B46 1982 The Best Short Plays, 1982 25
Banns Anonymous 822.08 A21 1924 Chief Pre-Shakespearean Dramas 81
Baptism of Jesus Barbours Anonymous 822.1 Y82ys 1963 York Plays 172
Barbara's Wedding Barrie, J. M. 822 B27pL 1956 The Plays of J. M. Barrie 803
Barefoot in Athens Anderson, Maxwell 812.008 A51 1968 The American Experience: Drama 178
Barefoot in the Park Simon, Neil 812.508 M855 1979 Most Popular Plays of the American Theatre 357
Bargains Heifner, Jack 812.008 B46 1988 The Best Short Plays, 1988 101
Barnes' People: Seven Monologues Barnes, Peter 822.914 B26c 1981 Collected Plays 417
Barry, Betty, and Bill Taylor, Renee and Joseph Bologna 812.008 B46 1993/1994 Best American Short Plays 1993-1994 9
Bartholomew Fair Jonson, Ben 822.308 S74 1933 Elizabethan Plays 411
Bartok as Dog Tovatt, Patrick 812.008 B46 1984 The Best Short Plays, 1984 157
Bathysphere Oboler, Arch 812 O13 1940 Fourteen Radio Plays 57
Battered on Broadway epilogue to The Roar of Silence Trilogy Gage, Carolyn 812.54 G121s 1994 The Second Coming of Joan of Arc and other plays 95
Batting Cage Ackerman, Joan 812.5408 H88 1996 Humana Festival 96 1
Battle of Angels Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675pL 2000 Plays 1937-1955 189
Be Aggressive Weisman, Annie 812.5408 U55 2004 Under 30: Plays for a New Generation 91
Bearclaw Mason, Timothy 812.008 B46 1988 The Best Short Plays, 1988 23