Play Title Sort descending Description Author Call Number Collection Page Number
Volpone Jonson, Ben 822.3 J73be 1985 Ben Jonson 1
Volpone Hulton Drama Series Jonson, Ben 822.3 K585ec 1984 Elizabethan Comedy 51
Volpone trans. Ruth Langer Zweig, Stefan 808.82 G21t 1957 Twenty Best European Plays 401
Volpone, or the Fox (Satiric Drama) Jonson, Ben 822.08 S32 1949 Typical Elizabethan Plays 449
Volpone, or the Fox Jonson, Ben 822.308 D857 2005 The Duchess of Malfi 71
Volpone, or The Fox Jonson, Ben 822.08 B79 1933 English Drama 1580-1642 477
Volpone; Or The Fox Jonson, Ben 822.308 S74 1933 Elizabethan Plays 299
Volpone; or, The Fox Jonson, Ben 822 J73a 1949 Ben Jonson 1
Volpone; or, The Fox Jonson, Ben 822.4082 M83 1959 Four English Comedies of the 17th and 18th Centuries 11
Volpone; or, the Fox Jonson, Ben 822.008 N31 1911 The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists 285
Voyage of the Dragonfly Bush, Max 812.54 B963p 1995 Plays for Young Audiences 327
Waiting for Godot Beckett, Samuel 808.8 G798 1990 v.60 Great Books of the World, v.60, 20th Century Imaginative Lit 529
Waiting for Godot Beckett, Samuel 808.8204 N622 1981 Nine Plays of the Modern Theatre 115
Waiting for Lefty Odets, Clifford 808.82 C33th 1943 Thirty Famous One Act Plays 521
Waiting for Lefty Odets, Clifford 812.508 C335s 1941a Sixteen Famous American Plays 423
Waiting for Lefty Odets, Clifford 812.5080358 P759 2002 Political Stages 345
Waiting for Philip Glass inspired by Shakespeare's Sonnet 94 Wasserstein, Wendy 812.54 W284s 2000 Seven One-Act Plays 15
Waiting for Philip Glass based on Shakespeare's sonnet 94 Wasserstein, Wendy 812 L947 1998 Lover's Fire 73
Waiting for Sanctions Phiri, Masautso 812.0080352 R679 1991 Roots and Blossoms: African American Plays for Today 437
Waiting for Santy Perelman, S. J. 810.8 J556 2001 Jewish American Literature 401
Waiting in the Wings Coward, Noel 822.912 C83pf 1983 Plays: Five 237
Waiting to be Invited Shephard-Massat, S. M. 812 W842 2002 Women Playwrights: the best plays of 2000 265
Waking Women Medley, Cassandra 808.8241 P699 1991 Plays in One Act 334
Waking Women One Act Medley, Cassandra 820.8 A627 no.66 Antaeus 334
Walk-Up on Christopher Bradley, Virginia 812.041 B72 1977 Stage Eight: One Act Plays 117
Walking Down Broadway Powell, Dawn 812.52 P871f 1999 Four Plays 335
Walls Barroga, Jeannie 812.540809287 U54 1993 Unbroken Thread 201
Wanda's Visit Durang, Christopher 812.0523 L368 2007 Laugh Lines: Short Comic Plays 127
Wandering Wilson, Lanford 812.54 W69sa 1970 The Sand Castle and Three Other Plays 55
Wandering Wilson, Lanford 812.54 W69La 1993 21 Short Plays 77
War at Home Quinn, Nicole, Nine Shengold et al. 812.5408 U55 2004 Under 30: Plays for a New Generation 559
War in Paramus Dana, Barbara 812.6 N42 2006 New Playwrights: the Best Plays of 2006 59
War of the Words one act Brancato, Robin F. 812.04108 C333 1990a Center Stage: One-Act Plays for Teenage Readers and Actors 335
Warnings O'Neill, Eugene 812.52 O58co 1988 v.1 Complete Plays, 1913-1920 75
Was It a Star? Evans, Joanna 812.008033 C464 1990 Christmas On Stage 63
Washington Square James, Henry 808.82 O45 v. 2 Dramatized Classics for Radio-Style Reading 3
Wasp Martin, Steve 812.04108 E79 1994 EST Marathon 1994 83
WASP Martin, Steve 812.54 M365p 1996 Picasso at the Lapin Agile and Other Plays 103
WASP Martin, Steve 812.008 B46 1994/1995 The Best American Short Plays 1994-1995 69
Wasps trans by Moses Hadas Aristophanes 882.01 A717c 2006 The Complete Plays of Aristophanes 165
Wasps translated by Moses Hadas Aristophanes 882.01 A717c 2006 The Complete Plays of Aristophanes 165
Water Upon Fire Morselli, Ercole Luigi 852.08 G56 1921 Plays of the Italian Theatre 38
Water-Ice Barnes, Djuna 812.52 B261at 1995 At the Roots of the Stars 163
Waterbabies LeFevre, Adam 812.540809287 P699 1997 Plays for Actresses 499
Waterbabies LeFevre, Adam 812.5408 H88 1997 Humana Festival 97 247
Watermelon Boats Maclaughlin, Wendy 812.04108 O58 1987 One Act Plays for Acting Students 21
Watermelon Boats MacLaughlin, Wendy 812.04108 T918 1995 20/20: Twenty One Act Plays from Twenty Years of the Humana Festival 213
Watermelon Rinds Taylor, Regina 812.5408 H88 1993 Humana Festival 93 219
Wating for Lefty Odets, Clifford 808.82 C33th 1943 Thirty Famous One-Act Plays 521
Way Station Strauss, Botho 832.914 S912b 1979 Big and Little 115