Play Title Sort descending Description Author Call Number Collection Page Number
Kikusui Anonymous 895.62009 L83 1966 An Outline History of the Japanese Drama 83
Killer's Head Shepard, Sam 812.54 S54u 1996 The Unseen Hand and Other Plays 379
Kind Lady Chodorov, Edward 822.91208 R39 1973 10 Classic Mystery and Suspense Plays of the Modern Theatre 291
Kind Lady Chodorov, Edward 808.82 C249f 1971 Famous Plays of Crime and Detection 729
King and No King Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher 822 B36 1949-50 v.2 Beaumont and Fletcher, vol. 2 1
King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Baron 822 D92f 1914 Five Plays 61
King Arthur Carr, J. Comyns 820.80352 M72 1992 Modern Arthurian Literature 235
King Cole's Court Bamberger, Helene S. 812.508 k84o 1940a One Hundred One-Royalty Act Plays 642
King Edward the Third Shakespeare, William 822.308 D63 1974 Disputed Plays of William Shakespeare 6
King John Shakespeare, William 822.33 L994 1990 The History Plays 9
King John Shakespeare, William 822.33 M73 1994 v.1 Histories, Vol. 1 523
King John Bale, John 822.30803 A73 1965 Elizabethan History Plays 1
King John Bale, John 822.08 P76 1927 English Miracle Plays 146
King John and Matilda Davenport, Robert 822.30803 A73 1965 Elizabethan History Plays 349
King Lear Shakespeare, William 808.8 G798 1990 v.24 Great Books of the World, v .25, Shakespeare II 244
King Lear Shakespeare, William 822.33 M83 1988 Four Tragedies 397
King Lear Shakespeare, William 822.33 M31 1975 An Introduction to Shakespeare 239
King Lear Shakespeare, William 808.82 S72 1974 Theater of the mind 104
King Lear Shakespeare, William 808.82 H286 1975 Drama Principles and Plays 91
King Lear Shakespeare, William 822.33 L997 1994 The Tragedies of William Shakespeare 689
King Lear Shakespeare, William 808.82512 E34 1996 Eight Great Tragedies 140
King Oedipus based on the plays of Sophocles Spender, Stephen 822.912 S746o 1985 Oedipus Trilogy 27
King of Sorrows Sayers, Dorothy L. 822 S27m 1943 Man Born To Be King 279
King Ubu Pataphysical Theatre Jarry, Alfred 808.82911 T34 2001 Theater of the Avant-Garde 1890-1950 84
Kingdom of Earth (the Seven Descents of Myrtle) Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675t 1990 v.5 The Theatre of Tennessee Williams, vol 5 121
Kings in Judaea Sayer, Dorothy L. 822 S27m 1943 Man Born To Be King 23
Kinuta translated by Ezra Pound and Ernest Fenollosa Anonymous 895.62 F366c 2008 The Classic Noh Theatre of Japan 89
Kinuta (The Falling Block) translated by Royall Tyler Zeami 895.62208 J271 1992 Japanese No Dramas 156
Kirche, Kuche, Kinder Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675am 1976 The Traveling Companion and Other Plays 107
Kiss of the Spider Woman translated by Allan Barker Puig, Manuel 862 P964k 1994 Kiss of the Spider Woman and Two Other Plays 7
Kissing Marianne Hamilton, Godfrey 812.540809206642 S779 1996 Staging Gay Lives 283
Kitty the Waitress Durang, Christopher 812.04108 T13901 2003 Take Ten II: more ten-minute plays 163
Kiwi Black Aakhu, Shepsu 812.5408 S497 2004 Seven Black Plays: the Theodore Ward Prize for African American Playwriting 415
Klondike Fever McCullough, L.E. 812.54 M139pL 1997 Plays of the Wild West: Volume One: Grades K-3 78
Knackery for All translated by Marc Estrin Vian, Boris 812.5408 P6992 1966 Plays for a New Theater, Playbook 2 221
Knights translated by R. H. Webb Aristophanes 882.01 A717c 2006 The Complete Plays of Aristophanes 60
Knights trans by R. H. Webb Aristophanes 882.01 A717c 2006 The Complete Plays of Aristophanes 60
Knock Knock Fieffer, Jules 812.508 P698 1986 Plays from the Circles Repertoire 273
Knock Me a Kiss Smith, Charles 812.6 N42 2002 New Playwrights: the best plays of 2000 155
Kokoro (True Heart) Houston, Velina Hasu 812.5408 A512 2001 American Political Plays 45
Komachi and the Hundred Nights (Kayoi Komachi) Kan'ami 895.62208 K25 1970 20 Plays of the No Theatre 51
Komachi at Sekidera (Sekidera Komachi) Zeami 895.62208 K25 1970 20 Plays of the No Theatre 65
Kongs-Emnerne in Norwegian Ibsen, Henrik 839.82 I12s V.2 Samlede Digter Verker (Complete Works), vol. 2 1
Konig Ottokars Gluck und Ende In German Grillparzer, Franz 832.08 C15 1958 German Plays of the Nineteenth Century 166
Konvergence Gibson, P.J. 812.54080896073 N42 1989 New Plays for the Black Theatre 73
Krapp's Last Tape Beckett, Samuel 822.912 B388c 1984 Collected Shorter Plays of Samuel Beckett 53
Krechinsky's Wedding translated by Harold B. Segel Sukhovo-Kobylin, Alexander 891.723 S94 1969 The Trilogy of Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin 1
Kringle's Window contemporary comedy Medoff, Mark 808.829334 T917 2000 Twelve Plays of Christmas 269
Kringle's Window Medoff, Mark 812.540809282 E34 1999 Eight Plays for Children 225
Kuan Han-ch'ing (excerpt) translated by Elizabeth Jeannetter Bernard Han, T'ien 895.108005 L712 1979 Literature of the People''''s Republic of China 767