Play Title Sort descending Description Author Call Number Collection Page Number
Little Victories Mueller, Lavonne 812.540809287 T34 2003 A Theatre for Women's Voices 23
Little Women adapted by Suzanne I Barchers Louisa May Alcott 812.54 B235c 2002 Classic Readers Theater for Young Adults 1
Live from Bethelem Anderson, Sheryl 812.54 A549t 1999 Twelve Plays of Christmas 21
Lives of the Great Waitresses Shengold, Nina 812.540809287 P699 1997 Plays for Actresses 547
Lives of the Magicians Silk, Dennis 822 S583w 1996 William the Wonder-Kid 207
Lives of the Saints Ives, David 812.04108 E79 2001 Ensemble Studio Theatre Marathon 2000 117
Living Hours Schnitzler, Arthur 832 S36r 1933 Reigen, The Affairs of Anatol and Other Plays 171
Living Out Loomer, Lisa 812.6 N42 2004 New Playwrights: the Best Plays of 2004 183
Living Together Ayckbourn, Alan 822.914 A974n 1979 Norman Conquests: a Trilogy of Plays by Alan Ayckbo 89
Lo, The Gaunt Wolf Elsey, M.G. 812.508 K84o 1940a One Hundred Non-Royalty One Act Plays 155
Locrine Shakespeare, William 822.308 D63 1974 Disputed Plays of William Shakespeare 131
Lola Starr Builds Her Dream Home Gilbert, Sky 812.54080971 C89 1993 The CTR Anthology: Fifteen Plays from Canadian Theatre Review 531
London Assurance Boucicault, Dion 822.808 A82 1967 Nineteenth Century British Drama 193
London by Night Anonymous 808.8252 V66 1976 Victorian Melodramas 219
London Kills Me paired with essay "The Alchemy of Happiness" Kureishi, Hanif 822.914 K965L 1992 London Kills Me 273
London Prodigal Shakespeare, William 822.308 D63 1974 Disputed Plays of William Shakespeare 193
Lonely Healy, Ann Marie 812.04108 T34901 2001 30 Ten-Minute Plays for 3 Actors 213
Lonely Planet Dietz, Stephen 812.54 A18801 1995 Actor's Book of Gay and Lesbian Plays 239
Loners Cooper, Joan "California" 812.54 C333 1991 Center Stage: an Anthology of Twenty-one Contemporary Black-American Plays 17
Long Ago and Far Away Ives, David 812.54 I95aLL 1994 All in the Timing 81
Long Day's Journey Into Night O'Neill, Eugene 812.52 O58co 1988 v.3 Complete Plays 1932-1943 713
Long Day's Journey into Night 5th edition O'Neill, Eugene 810.8 N821 1998 v.2 Norton Anthology of American Literature v.2 1289
Long Day's Journey into Night O'Neill, Eugene 820.8 I68 2000 Irish Writing in the Twentieth Century 680
Long Time Since Yesterday Gibson, P.J. 812.54 B561 1992 Black Thunder : an Anthology of Contemporary African-American Drama 211
Look After Lulu! Coward, Noel 822.912 C83pf 1983 Plays: Five 115
Look and Long Stein, Gertude 808.8204 S97 1972 All the World's a Stage 221
Look Back in Anger Osborne, John 808.82 H286 1975 Drama Principles and Plays 489
Look Back in Anger Osborne, John 822.9108 C66 1966 Twentieth Century Drama: England, Ireland, The United States 541
Look Homeward, Angel Frings, Ketti 812.508 B26 1969 v.4 50 Best Plays of the American Theatre, vol. 4 259
Loot Orton, Joe 822.91408 L237 1985 v.1 Landmarks of Modern British Drama: The Plays of the Sixties 533
Lord Byron's Love Letter Williams, Tennessee 808.82 G578m 1969 Mentor Book of Short Plays 217
Lord Byron's Love Letter Williams, Tennessee 808.82 G578m 1969 The Mentor Book of Short Plays 217
Lord Byron's Love Letter Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675tw 1966 27 Wagons Full of Cotton and Other Plays 123
Lord Byron's Love Letter Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675t 1990 v.6 The Theatre of Tennessee Williams, vol. 6 155
Lord Byron's Love Letter from 27 Wagons Full of Cotton (1946) Williams, Tennessee 812.54 W675pL 2000 Plays 1937-1955 373
Lord Guan Goes to the Feast Hanqing, Guan 895.124 K95s 1979 Selected Plays of Guan Hanqing 160
Lorenzaccio trans. Renaud C. Bruce de Musset, Alfred 808.82 B44m 1955-60 The Modern Theatre: Vol 6 1
Los Amantes de Teruel in Spanish Hartzenbusch, Juan Eugenio 862.08 B75 1935 Nineteenth Century Spanish Plays 125
Los intereses creados in Spanish Benavente y Martinez, Jacinto 860.8 C36 1967 v.2 A New Anthology of Spanish Literature, vol. 2 70
Los Pastores, The Shepherds Vigil, Angel 812.54 V683t 1996 Teatro! Hispanic Plays for Young People 139
Los Vendidos Valdez, Luis 810.8 H421 2002 Herencia: the Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States 222
Los Vendidos Valdez, Luis 812.54080920693 P699 1999 Playwrights of Color 61
Loser Dabrowski, Kristen 812.6 D114t1 2004 Twenty 10-minute plays for teens, Vol. 1 100
Losing Father's Body Congdon, Constance 812.54 C76t 1994 Tales of the Lost Formicans and other plays 229
Lost One Act Wilson, Mary Louise 812.508 L469 2002 Leading Women: Plays for Actresses II 525
Lost and Found Dabrowski, Kristen 812.6 D114t1 2004 Twenty 10-minute plays for teens, Vol. 1 44
Lost in London Phillips, Watts 822.708052 B64 1967 Hiss the Villain: Six American and English Melodramas 203
Lost in the Stars Anderson, Maxwell 812.5208 H49 1960 Famous American Plays of the 1940's 289
Lot 13: The Bone Violin Wright, Doug 812.008 B46 1994/1995 The Best American Short Plays 1994-1995 235
Louis XI and Madame Giraud Stein, Gertrude 812.52 S819o 1987 Operas and Plays 345