The Song Index is a database of sheet music and song lyrics available in songbooks housed in the Research Center workroom on the 4th floor of the Central Library. The songbooks are not available for check out but photocopies can be made; please request titles at the Research Center service desk. The Song Index is updated daily but not all titles in the collection have been entered; if a particular song title is not in the database please check with a librarian in the Research Center or call the AskUs Hotline at (918) 549-7323. If you’re searching the database outside of the library and find a song you’d like, please call us before you visit the library to make sure the songbook is available. AskUs Hotline, (918) 549-7323.
Song Title Sort descending Notes Songbook Title Page Number
Bonnie Dundee The Richard Dyer-Bennett Folk 27
Bonnie Earl of Monday Songs of the British Isles 94
Bonnie Earl of Monday, The Songs of Man 92
Bonnie Earl of Morey, The The Richard Dyer Bennet Folk 32
Bonnie Earl of Murray Songs of Scotland 22
Bonnie Earl of Murray Songs of the British Isles 94
Bonnie Eloise 400 Super Song Fest 27
Bonnie Eloise Americans and Their Songs 171
Bonnie George Campbell Fireside Book of Folk Songs 24
Bonnie George Campbell Songs of Scotland 33
Bonnie House o' Airlie Songs of Scotland 48
Bonnie House o'Airlie Songs of the British Isles 98
Bonnie Huit Lyrics Only The Complete Lyrics of Johnny Mercer 222
Bonnie James Campbell Words Only Folk Songs of the Southern United States 126
Bonnie Ship the Diamond 7-12 Collected Reprints from Sing Out! 256
Bonnie Ship the Diamond Collected Reprints From Sing Out! The Folk Song Magazine, Volumes 7-12 256
Bonnie Ship, the Diamond Songs of Scotland 27
Bonnie Shoals of Herring 1-6 Collected Reprints from Sing Out! 341
Bonnie Shoals of Herring Collected Reprints From Sing Out! The Folk Song Magazine 341
Bonnie Wee Lass of the Glen Sam Henry's Songs of the People 356
Bonniest Lass Songs of Scotland 80
Bonny Barbara Allen Child No. 84 The Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles 202
Bonny Barbara Allen Child No. 84 Folksongs of the South 96
Bonny Black Bess Cowboy and Western Songs 15
Bonny Black Boss Hell Bound Train 30
Bonny Brown Hen Sam Henry's Songs Of The People 18
Bonny Bunch of Roses Songs Of Ireland 97
Bonny Bushes Bright Sam Henry's Songs of the People 383
Bonny Cuckoo Music Only; Part I pp 13-100 Ancient Music of Ireland 13
Bonny Eloise Folksinger's Wordbook 251
Bonny Farday The Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles 69
Bonny Garrydoo Sam Henry's Songs Of the People 164
Bonny Labouring Boy Folksongs of Britain and Ireland 347
Bonny Labouring Boy Sam Henry's Songs of the People 435
Bonny Light Horseman Sam Henry's Songs of the People 88
Bonny Lighter-Boy One Hundred English Folksongs 112
Bonny Mary Hay Sam Henry's Songs of the People 226
Bonny Mary of Argyle 400 Super Song Fest 28
Bonny of the Union Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-hit People 293
Bonny Portmore Music Only; Part II pp 1-109 Ancient Music of Ireland 80
Bonny Portrush Sam Henry's Songs Of the People 171
Bonny Wee Lass Sam Henry's Songs of the People 458
Bonny Wee Window Folksongs of Britain and Ireland 299
Bonny Woodha' Sam Henry's Songs of the People 84
Bonny, Bonny Sam Henry's Songs Of the People 199
Bonny, Bonny Boy Sam Henry's Songs of the People 393
Bony On the isle of St. Helena Traditional American Folk Songs 331
Bonyparte Our Singing Country 54
Boo Hoo Songs of the 30's 17
Boo Maramba Lullabies of the World 60