How much do you know about Martin Luther King Jr. and the holiday we celebrate in his honor? Learn more about Dr. King in these resources and books! All you need is a TCCL card.

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Physical and digital books and movies

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Browse the Hoopla ebooks and movies collections specifically about Martin Luther King Jr. Find the ebooks HERE and the movies HERE.

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Digital resources for students and educators 

African American Experience 

“African American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.'s emergence, notoriety, evolution, and demise paralleled that of the civil rights movement itself. He became the nation's preeminent spokesperson for the strategy of nonviolent direct action, the dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the South, and the creation of a larger ‘beloved community.’ He negotiated between the push of political expediency and the pull of militant black activists, all the while combating enemies who perceived him as a dangerous radical.” From his biography in the African American Experience database. Find the database HERE, then log in with your last name and TCCL card number to search “Martin Luther King Jr.” and read the full biography.

Additional resources in the African American Experience database about Martin Luther King Jr. include images, videos, a timeline, quotes and reference articles on the civil rights movement, the MLK Day holiday, multiple speeches including “Beyond Vietnam” and “I Have a Dream,” the MLK Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change and more.

Biography in Context

Search "Martin Luther King Jr." in the Biography in Context database to find audio clips, pieces from academic journals, biographies, images, magazine articles, newspaper clippings and more. Find the database HERE, then log in with your last name and TCCL card number to search “Martin Luther King Jr.”

Black Freedom Struggle

Access the Black Freedom Struggle database HERE, then log in with your last name and TCCL card number. From the database homepage, scroll down and select Civil Rights and Black Power Movements (1946-1975). From there, scroll down to the section on People and Organization to select Martin Luther King Jr. and view the free digital resources about him. Content includes files from FBI folders, written correspondence and more.


eLibrary offers a research topic on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and on Dr. King himself. Both research topics include magazine articles, reports, speech transcripts, biographies, quotes, newspaper clippings, images and more. Find eLibrary HERE, then log in with your last name and TCCL card number to search for “Martin Luther King Jr.” or “Martin Luther King Day” and begin browsing.